The two young kids in the beginning (mild spoiler)
I really wonder how Star is related to the two young kids in the beginning, the little boy called Ruben and his older sister. In a review I read they're her kids, but isn't Star WAY too young to have a daughter that age?
I thought they were her half-siblings. As Star looks bi-racial and the two others don't, I figured they have the same mom, but different dads. I took the older guy they're living with to be the younger kids' father, Star having stayed with him after their mother left (even though he seems to be sexually abusing her).
When she drops the two off with that woman at the square dancing place (or whatever kind of dance it is they're dancing...), I figured it was the mother of all three of them who left the family. Star refers to the guy they had been staying with as "Nathan", not Dad, which I took to back my stepfather-theory...
I would really appreciate your thoughts on this. Loved the movie!