Not the tear jerker I was expecting
I saw it a free preview last night in San Antonio.
I was fully expecting to be a blubbering fool by the end of the flick, kinda like "Brian's Song". As much as I wanted to get emotionally invested in the story, it just didn't pull me in. I really can't put my finger on why.
I will say I have not seen "Hoosiers" or "Rudy", so I am not familiar with the prior work of writer Angelo Pizzo. But I was alive at the time Steinmark was battling cancer, and later died. I remember the Big Shootout and the Cotton Bowl game vs. Notre Dame, but I have no specific recollections of Steinmark.
I do remember his story was in all the local papers (I grew up in Texas). Maybe the fact that I was already familiar with the Steinmark story, lessened the emotional impact on me of his cancer and death? I dunno.
Still, it was a very good movie. I recommend it, especially if you are a fan of the Texas Longhorns.