A few things pushed too far
The first thing that seemed out of place was Billy not being allowed to play football, yet he was apparently such a big local star that when opening the door someone he's never met immediately recognizes him or there are whispers around town of "Was that Billy??!?" It might be unfortunate, but stars on sports teams like this can get away with a lot of things. What was he in trouble for? He started out with a simple prank, somehow the entire town's police department responded, he ran, he crashed. Admittedly things got more serious as time progressed, but I'm sure none of these things couldn't be reduced to community service and you can still play football...
The parents of the yellow ranger, the mom especially, was over too over the top for me. I'm glad she only had one scene because the character was ridiculously annoying. Oh your teenager angsty daughter whom you don't approve of her lifestyle doesn't want to talk to you? What mystery, telling her to pee in a cup will probably solve this conundrum.
Rita's character was weird at times. The only reason she didn't actually kill all the power rangers at the docks was so the movie didn't end with her winning, right then and there, because that's what a real evil villain would do. Instead, she claims she has to kill at least one of them so Gordon won't think her weak....... later when heading into town with her giant Gold statue she says "Let's kill them all!" Maybe she was just looking for a challenge, since she clearly likes killing, but didn't kill the rangers? She did say they were unworthy at one point, but just seems like a poor risk analysis on her part.