US box office prediction

Now that we know how the movie opened in international territories - what do you think how well Blood Wars will do in the US when it's coming out on January 6th? Horror films tend to open very well the first week of January. But the question is how much the early european release will hurt it?

So far all movies opened with 20+ millions:
21 Underworld
26 Underworld: Evolution
20 Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans
25 Underworld: Awakening

I predict 14 million dollars (and around 30-35 in total). You?


12 million opening weekend , overall 45-60 million
Sadly because they r not advertising this like they r with resident evil and janairy is dump month


OW could be around $20m based on that the past films have held steady and same with the total $45-60m.


If this opens to only $12M it would mean two things. 1) Franchise over! 2) It wouldn't get a sniff of $45M let alone $60M.



It feels like this franchise has worn out it's welcome. I could be wrong though. I'm going with 16 million.


what is the budget of this movie?
