Did Scott Speedman have a falling out with Len Wiseman? *spoilers*
The way they resolve Michaels fate just seemed like a huge slap to the face of the fanbase, which I'm not even apart of. They did such a *beep* job building up to the reveal of his death, even worse because "Awakening" kept teasing a possible return. I'm wondering, why didn't Speedman ever come back? He can't be that busy or expensive, as these movies were probably the zenith of his career (so far; nobody remembers "The Strangers", his only other major hit).
It would've made more sense to bring him back, only to kill him off in the climax or something, if the filmmakers really want to move on from him. But I have to imagine that there was a falling out with Wiseman or Beckinsale, because there's no other reason for them to kill him off in such a stupid manner.
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