Blood Wars flops on Friday!

I feel bad for no one BUT Kate, she deserved a better career.

It barely pulled in 4.8M and landed in forth place. It'll be lucky to hit 13-14M this weekend let alone 20M that fanboys swear it could reach.


It didn't get much (any?) tv promotion. If it didn't pop up on the IMDb homepage I wouldn't even know it was out yet. Anyhow, after that disaster of a fourth film, i'm not plunking down any more money at the theater on this franchise.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Nope it barely got anything, Sony either had/has no faith in the product or doesn't care about its future.

I say reboot it with this guy (Guillermo del Toro) at the helm with a bigger budget.

Also I'd like to see the rights to the name,etc to be given to a better studio, say Universal. I doubt any of this will happen though.


Or just let it die. Why, when the franchise has never shown any sign of growth, would the answer be to throw more money at it? And what makes you think that a big name would even want to attach themselves to it? Yeah, Del Toro did a Blade movie 15 years ago that probably helped inspire THIS series, but he seems much happier doing his own thing. If we don't get another Underworld movie, it'll probably just continue as a comic book that maybe a few thousand people read or something.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


You ask a question where you'll get an answer you will probably dislike:

Underworld in general is not a bad franchise, heck I'm one who believes Rise of the Lycans was the best (despite no Beckinsale). It's really the only Gothic franchise that stays true to myth. Also if you like violence like I do (for entertainment purposes) then this is the franchise to go to. Lastly if you throw a big name director in the mix who's easily capable you'll likely get more then good results. Sadly you are correct Del Toro does his own thing and enjoys it, I"m simply a fan of both Underworld + Del Toro and would like to see them match.


The world and mythology of Underworld is very lush. Plenty of stories still to be told there. Should they be? IDK And I agree that it's never showed signs of growth, like Fast n Furious has. I think the franchise stumbled when it was made wholly a Kate Beckinsale vehicle. I'd rather a studio learned from movies like these and went forward with a series like Dresden Files rather than milking a basically told story to death. Take all these same vampires and werewolves and throw in a gunslinging wizard! Now you're cooking with gas.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


If there is another they need to throw in a new monster or creature to spice it up.Something like zombies or something they need to bring something fresh if they make another an bring in a new thing to spice it up an change it up it will work otherwise do a tv show set in the future with beckensale in the pilot


Oringially I, Frankenstein was supposed to crossover with this series until it flopped and went nowhere. That woudl ahve brought in the Frankenstein monster and the like, demons, and gargoyles. Feel like had it done better too, with it being in the same studio and overall looka dn feel, that The Covenant could have worked within the universe of Underworld as well to bring in withces/warlocks as well. If done well this could ahve been a very big and popular movie universe with lots of story and corssover potential.


yea i know they made a mistake with that one though the problem was they tried to make frankenstein into this sexy guy when they should have kept him as a monster introduced him in a underworld film an then gave him his own movie which would lead into that film as for what they should do now they need zombies I know it sounds silly but it can be done they need to spice it up there writing themselves into a corner with only vamps an wolves it needs life an zombies is the next most popular monster if they introduce them as a new threat they rises up do to humans tinkering with vamp dna or werewolf dna whatever then cause that to create zombies an have werewolfs an zombies an even humans team up to take on the zombie plague





Guillermo del Toro that director wouldnt do this franchise an if he did it would be nothing like it is he would turn it into a b movie monster fest like hellboy 2


Del Toro has more talent then 95% of directors working today. To say he made a B movie monster fest like Hellboy 2 is just dumb.


Which is why he'd never touch Underworld.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


Your missing the point nothing i said has anything to do with how talented he is the point is he dosent like films like these this isnt his style so if he did one he would turn it into something like blade 2 with more monster type creatures more into the horror realm these movies are a certain style there flashy an over stylized like the matrix to bring him in the franchise wouldnt even be the same not to mention he could care less about these


Your missing the point nothing i said has anything to do with how talented he is the point is he dosent like films like these this isnt his style so if he did one he would turn it into something like blade 2 with more monster type creatures more into the horror realm these movies are a certain style there flashy an over stylized like the matrix to bring him in the franchise wouldnt even be the same not to mention he could care less about these

I simply threw a name in a basket of possible fanboy talented directors. Of course Del Toro would never come close to Underworld, nor will Ridley Scott or James Cameron who also have my vote. Underworld may get a TV reboot similar to Sleepy Hollow, oh god!


The series probably would have been better served as VOD released or Direct to Video. Course Kate probably would not have done them, but in that case a recast is not unheard of.


I see a lot of previews on television.


I'm a big fan of the UNDERWORLD films and was delighted to "discover" that a new one was in the theatres but I just learned about it this weekend when I visited the IMDB page. Had seen NOTHING about it on TV or in previews before other films. I don't think they marketed this film very much at all in the U.S.


It's been running on Hulu commercials for weeks. Probably the most common commercial on there.

These movies are hilariously s***, right up there with Resident Evil in terms of movies that need to die.


Anyone who believed that Blood Wars was opening with 20mil were ignoring reality. The movies quality aren't improving and natural franchise fatigue has set in


If the film dose good over seas it wont matter as long as it turns a profit you will get another or a tv show or reboot down the line


Del Toro is NOT some infallible creative genius. um, THE STRAIN. easily one of the most atrociously written shows ever made. just sayin'. i DO like him but something went very wrong with THE STRAIN show (writing-wise).


You forget what property you are comparing him to though. The Strain is whether you like it or not better writing then any Underworld film. Now say if you compare him to James Cameron then saying he is an automatic genius is stretching the truth. The reason I picked Del Toro to begin with is he has a style that fits what Underworld SHOULD be like, but doubtfully ever will.


absolutely 100% incorrect that THE STRAIN has better writing than the UNDERWORLD films or any films/tv shows. i'm not saying the writing on these movies is the most amazing thing ever but to say THE STRAIN has better writing than just about anything is flat out incorrect. again, i like Del Toro so i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that the show's writing can be blamed on other writers (i assume he's busy doing his films rather than writing each episode of the show).


LOL, someone thinks the Underworld movies have good writing. Such good writing they are better then an acclaimed writers work.


Every word in Underworld is just complete gibberish though. Just from the bits and pieces I've seen of this one over the last couple of days, I feel embarrassed for the actors that have to say them, even though they're willing participants. I watched the first two seasons of The Strain and didn't remember to come back for third, but I can see how it might hook somebody.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


Being an acclaimed writer means nothing if the product isnt that good I have seen everything this dude made an its not all gold dude


its not all gold dude

It is when you compare it to Underworld garbage. But hey I like that kind of garbage so I"ll get around to watching Blood Wars eventually.


Cameron is no genius either. He, like Michael Bay, merely knows what tropes play to the average movie-goer.

He's far better at setting the tropes in a narrative than Bay, but there's nothing special about his movies as far as storytelling goes. Most of them are fairly straightforward and predictable.

Especially that "Titanic" movie! I mean, it was sooooo obvious the boat was gonna sink! ;D


Well to be fair, the movie has already made 46 million on a 35 million dollar budget, besides box office isn't everything. You have to take into account bluray and DVD sales, which for these films has been consistently quite high. This movie will make profit and I wouldn't be surprised if we got one final sequel.


Blu-Ray and DVD sales are probably the lowest they've ever been, so yes, box office does mean a lot, unless you want this to become a series that goes STRAIGHT to DVD and Blu-Ray.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


It will make enough to turn a profit especially with over seas market I can all ready tell what there going to do give the next a lower budget an end it.If kate decides she dosent want another they will reboot


It already opened in most overseas markets in November and December, so there goes that theory! It will likely break even, but it is time to put this puppy to bed. Furthermore, the budget is already pretty low for this kind of movie.


Break even? Uh no. It's set to make a decent profit, actually.


Blu-Ray and DVD sales are probably the lowest they've ever been, so yes, box office does mean a lot, unless you want this to become a series that goes STRAIGHT to DVD and Blu-Ray.

Already going to happen in various countries, because it won't get a theatrical release in those countries.
The same goes for the Resident Evil movie btw, Sony has obviously lost confidence in both franchises.


If Sony had lost confidence in Resident Evil they wouldn't have recently confirmed plans for future Resident Evil movies even after the Mila Jovovich franchise ended.


How much has it actually made (as of now) over the weekend ?


According to Box Office Mojo it made a little over $13 million for the opening weekend. The international box office is over $55 million so far and it's still opening internationally and should make a profit.


Each of the openers and the popular hold overs probably each lost out on $2M ticket sales due to inclement weather across the nation. Look for a soft drop next weekend due to this and a 4 day holiday weekend.


Agreed, Bu54Lb. A critic friend of mine paid to see the film since there were no screenings for reviewers. He went to a packed midnight showing in Los Angeles. There is an audience for it.

A little off topic, but do you know why these franchise hasn't played in China? It seems like a great market for it.


I know China has a quota on how many Hollywood films get played there, so maybe they figure they wouldn't be big enough sellers? That's just a guess though. I do know they won't show Blood Wars due to it's spiritual elements. They refuse movies that touch on those subjects.


Thanks, Bu55Lb.



Why are people boasting with how much the movie made overseas? Do you not know how little % the studio gets from ticket sales overseas? Depending on what country, cinemas can keep up to and over 50% of the profit. If this were to open in China they would barely get anything back. So if this movie makes like 60 million overseas, the studio would only get 30 million (or less) as actual profit.
