Not doing that well...

But the budget is only $35 Million!

Yep, but typically, whatever a studio spends on a film, it needs to gross about 2 times as much in order for them to see a return. They didn't JUST spend $35M on this film, they also spent millions marketing the film. Even if they went cheap on marketing, it is still millions spent. This thing basically needs $100M to even come close to being a success.

It still hasn't been released in Spain, the UK, Ireland and Italy!

Do you know what Underworld: Awakening made in the UK, Spain, and Italy COMBINED! About $12.4 Million. Blood Wars isn't performing nearly as well as Awakening it is unlikely to make $12.4M in those markets.

This film is not going to have strong legs at the domestic box office.

It isn't coming close to $100M


Why will it have poor legs? It received a B+ Cinemascore from audiences.


I read that it received 20 million of its budget back from the Czech Republic Bc they filmed there, making the budget 15m, this movie isn't doing bad at all.


This thing basically needs $100M to even come close to being a success.

This is an entirely inaccurate Internet myth that just won't die. Marketing budgets are proportional to production budget--usually 50%.

Blood Wars needs roughly $53-60 million domestic to break even. If the film makes even 75-85 million, it's pretty much a hit.

On a related note, the old Hollywood snake tactic of studios paying themselves "distribution fees" so that their films are legally "flops" is starting to die. It's not holding up in court anymore because studios obviously just want to avoid paying profit shares to anyone under exec level.

This is why so many films are considered "flops" when in fact they aren't--they still make studios and executives rich. It's Hollywood accounting and no one's buying it anymore.

An example of a real flop would be Carrie 2013: on a 30 million production budget, it made 35 domestic. Even with its foreign gross of of 48 million, it was already a loss domestically.

I read that it received 20 million of its budget back from the Czech Republic Bc they filmed there, making the budget 15m, this movie isn't doing bad at all.

This is also true. There are advantages to shooting films in certain countries.


The $35M budget is AFTER the tax breaks. Not before.

Even if the marketing of this film cost $15M, that's a $35M budget on top of it, bringing the investment easily up to $50M...meaning the film basically has to hit $100M worldwide to break even.


The movie will make enough for a lower budget finale film either way its made enough to were we wont see the last of this franchise not to mention bluray dvd sales which will push it to were it needs to go
