MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > SPOILERS. What happened to the war agai...

SPOILERS. What happened to the war against humans?


This is for those who have been watching the Underworld movies.

Two UNDERWORLD movies ago, humanity discovered the existence of vampires and werewolves then declared all-out war against both. The war seems to have taken a backseat to the ongoing war between the vamps and lycans.

I have a theory that the screenwriters discovered they had made an error introducing the war against humankind. It would sidetrack the Underworld story premise of an ongoing vampire-lycan war. It would be impossible for both creature species to fight their war while fighting off the hordes of aroused humans.

The movie ended on an obvious signal that there would be another sequel. Perhaps the war with humanity will be resumed. I doubt that all these years the human governments have remained quiet while vampires and werewolves still exist. However it would be a bloodbath. Humans are so inferior in physical strength, ferocity, and fighting abilities against supernatural creatures that hordes of humans would have to die to take down one vampire or one werewolf, despite using weapons. Humans would have to quickly devise new high tech weapons to detect and kill these creatures.


Yea I feel like they retconned that a bit. They talk about that at the start and Antigen being a big part fo that, but by the end fo teh movie we find out that Antigen is all Lycans. So maybe humans never found out about them for real and it was all just Lycans doing tests and the vampires/Selene jsut thought the people tracking them and stuff were humans but were actually Lycans all along.


Yes the tried to retcon it prolly because htey had different plans an wanted speedman back as michael but he said no


But humans did find out. It was on freaking TV that vampires and lycans exist. Not to mention martial law was declared.


I believe they wanted to drop the human involvement to bring the story back to its roots.

We don't know exactly how much time has passed since Awakening, so it could be that humans have come to believe they won and all vampires and lycans are dead. What remained of both species went into hiding, time passed without incidents, and humans concluded it's over. Until proven otherwise, I'm going with this explanation.

It's also possible that the war with humans still continues somewhere else and could be revisited in future movies or the series if those happen. The setting for Blood Wars was more remote, so maybe in the larger cities vampires and lycans are still being hunted down.


Your explanation is the most plausible. The war with humanity took the storyline into a different direction that the movie franchise did not intend. The franchise producers are simply ignoring the war with humanity angle that they created.


i thought about this too. perhaps the humans will give both sides a common threat and eve will have to lead them? Or perhaps there will be a common threat to all three and eve will have to save all three and make peace? who knows.


In previous Underworld movies, Selene was 600 years old, approximately.

In this new one, She's 1000.

During the 4 centuries' time between Awakening and Blood Wars, it is highly likely that the purge campaign already died down.

After all, the war between the two immortal races is ageless, and human enemies are fleeting in comparison.

It is also worth noticing that the bio tests during the purge campaign were administered by Antigen, a safe haven for lycans. It is also reasonable to think that the campaign died after Dr. Jacob Lane and Quint were destroyed,

Effective trolling is art.


Judging by this movie, normal humans no longer exist. I don't think a single character appeared in the whole thing who wasn't a vampire, werewolf, or supernatural creature of some sort.
