Female director

I thought this was poorly edited and directed and the worst of the franchise which is a shame as I thoroughly enjoyed the previous ones. Then I found out it was directed by a female. Need I say more?


No, you do not need to say anything else.

I'm going to give you a benefit of the doubt and assume you're just trolling because it's the best thing you could find to brighten up your day.

If not, however, then please kindly educate yourself on the subject of sexism. It will make you a much better person and people who get to know you will despise you a lot less. Win-win for everybody.


Not a troll nor a sexist (I love women). Just stating the fact. And if you want to prove a point, name a female-directed action-packed movie that proved to be a box-office success.


Kathryn Bigelow

Point Break (1991)
The Hurt Locker (2008)
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
