From what I gathered through the storyline, Blaire was also, at one time, very good friends with Laura. She also knew why Laura was acting the way she did (it was never quite clear, but something happened between Laura and her Uncle, which I think they were hinting was sexual abuse) yet she turned on her and treated her like garbage. I do think that Mitch uploaded the video (Laura's ghost indicated she already knew Mitch was the one who uploaded) but I also think it was done with the encouragement of Blaire. Regardless, Laura was hurt by Blaire the most because they were such a good friend at one time (she even said "I wish I could forgive you" at one moment).SO I agree, Blaire was the worst.
Loving Jesus allows me to hate you...
I bless you in the name of the Father, Son, and Yog-Sothoth!