
She's trying to copy that great camp classic Boom! But she's not Liz, who was naturally gorgeous & without plastic surgery & wigs for Boom!, and he's not Richard Burton. Their wigs look like wet dogs in this. His mustache is really bad. Neither one can act.

Why did Universal greenlight this? Who was the person that greenlit this schlockfest?


pitt is a oscar winner and has 5 nomination, 3 for acting


And so is Jolie. One of the most deserving Best Supporting Actress Oscar winners ever as well as Lead Actress nominee. This woman can act for sure.


Pitt does not have an Oscar for acting, and never will, not that he does as badly in the trailer as Jolie but I digress.....


cage and brody won the Oscar (lead actor)...

pitt can act
jolie pitt can act


Really hard to have an intellectual and critical conversation with someone who is a fangurl/fanboy. Have a nice day anyway.


Pitt does not have an Oscar for acting, and never will

and never will?

Really hard to have an intellectual and critical conversation with someone who is a hater. Have a nice day anyway.


Pitt should have AT LEAST been nominated for his role as Tyler Durden.
