is it good? the movie previews look good.
it looks good.
by BigBangBitch » 9 hours ago (Tue Nov 24 2015 14:38:03) Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since March 2009 is not good enough for you to go to a theater and spend your money. Wait until Netflix when you're in a solemn mood, and it's a rainy night. Make some popcorn, lay under the covers and watch away as the wind blows outside, and the rain beats against your window.
It's too long, and quite repetitive. And the big reveal toward the end, as to what has caused Vanessa's depression, seems simplistic.
BUT all that being said, it's a great-looking film, and it has a lot of very nice, very real little moments--like Roland's conversations with the bartender, and the quirks of the characters of the couple next door. Jolie looks fabulous. She glowers at her husband and at other, ordinary people, she goes full-psycho a few times, and she gives herself lots of great outfits, lots of close-ups . . . And I disagree with the previous poster in one respect: it's worth seeing on a big screen, for the settings and the cinematography.
Really, go and watch it!
I had read reviews and what some posters write here and I didn´t know what to expect in the end, but then I have seen it and I can say that this is a good film, maybe it takes a bit long for the story to really start but then you watch it with real interest, for the story and for, obviously, the actors.
It is not an easy film and you need to know what love is, what suffering is like, and what it means when one of the partners is not there for you, but absent. You can feel the pain , the embarrassment, and how difficult it is to reach the other partner.
I like the film and I think that they have done a great work.