Snubbed by Razzies

How is this stinker not nominated. Awful script, awful direction, awful on-screen couple.


I know!! If any movie last year deserves a Razzie its this one. If any other actor directed this stinker it would have, but for some reason everyone wants to treat Angelina like some kind Hollywood queen even though she has consistently stared in and directed crap film after film! lol But also it could be because nobody actually seen it to even vote on it. It wasn't even released anywhere, and didn't even make a million in America. Yet, she is already making another movie for Neflix! Why dont they give money to directors who can actually direct! So annoying!!


The "Razzies" are for mainstream films with high profiles. "By the Sea" is an arthouse film, that was never going to play in multiplexes in redneck towns of 'Murica.' In other words, it isn't aimed at small-minded audiences who like to chomp on popcorn and who don't realize that Malta is a place in Europe. Your comment that "nobody has seen it" says a lot; trust me, the people who want something more than superheroes from cinema, have seen it. Also, though I'm not a big fan of Angelina Jolie, I can recognize that she is a VERY talented director. The two films that I have seen with her directing, are both technically perfect. I'm not sure how/why someone like you was even exposed to THIS film..

Fabio Testi is GOD


Calling this movie art house does not elevate it to good movie. It was a bad movie and if it will please you I will even call it an awful art house movie.


I would love to know what YOU consider a "good movie..."

Fabio Testi is GOD


I would love know what you consider a bad one!


A recent BAD movie? How about "12 Years A Slave.." That was a commercially successful Hollywood movie that was terrible. And the boxing movie "Southpaw," another commercial hit, was completely awful. See, you cannot judge the quality of a film by how much cash it rakes in, because the mainstream masses are easily manipulated and have no taste. "By the Sea" is not a masterpiece, but it is an extremely well-made film, both artistically and technically. If the film bored you, the problem is with you..not the film.

Fabio Testi is GOD


I dont agree at all. I really love "12 Years A Slave" and have watched it more than once, and it was far from a big budget or commercial!


'12 Years' was corny, hysterically over-acted, and completely devoid of any artistic quality. It looks like a made-for-tv production. Plus it told a story that has been told countless times before, and better. After you see the incredible "Goodbye, Uncle Tom," the flaws and weaknesses of "12 Years A Slave" will become apparent to you. However if you can't recognize the artistic merits of a film like "By the Sea" then maybe you should avoid this type of cinema altogether..

Fabio Testi is GOD


Uh, nope. None of that is objectively true. Top reviewer? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA

Men's rights in modern English translates to: "unsuccessful with women" or the Hebrew "cupcake"


Now THAT'S what I love Bantam; a coherent, intelligent response..."HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" just says it all...

Fabio Testi is GOD


Of course it does. It means there's no reason to take you seriously. You're the guy who has never boxed but is an expert on boxing. HAHAHAHA...oh, I mean, Happy Kwanzaa :)

Men's rights in modern English translates to: "unsuccessful with women" or the Hebrew "cupcake"


I actually am an expert on boxing, because I AM a boxer, for the past 11 years. And, who are you? Some miserable piece of filth with too much time on his hands? Piss off..

Fabio Testi is GOD


I actually am an expert on boxing, because I AM a boxer, for the past 11 years

Oh, ok. I mean, it's always a terrific idea to take what a rando on the internet says at face value. Anyway, I know you can't help yourself, so go ahead and have the last word. Happy Chanukah :)

Men's rights in modern English translates to: "unsuccessful with women" or the Hebrew "cupcake"


..not a Jew either; wow man, you are batting a thousand. You have been wrong every time. But judging from your little pic i can easily see THAT face eating dirty Jew butt. Wish I had your nose full of nickels..Mazel tov..

Fabio Testi is GOD


Flattery will get you nowhere. Also, that's rich coming from a chode without a pic at all. Happy Festivus.

Men's rights in modern English translates to: "unsuccessful with women" or the Hebrew "cupcake"


Ya you are right. A movie about slavery can never beat a movie about a bored wealthy woman with fake eyelashes that finds a whole in a wall to watch her neighbors screw and scream and cry all day. lol "By the Sea" was so miserable that I fall asleep thinking about it. It was so empty and dull as death. Long perfume commercial that smells like Brad Pitts bored tears.


Actually, it CAN beat a movie about slavery; if it's the movie about slavery is lousy. I just have to wonder; why did someone like yourself watch a THIS film? I mean, you could have spent those 2 hours at Chuck E. Cheez, where you probably spent your honeymoon..God bless Murica..

Fabio Testi is GOD


Honeymoon at Chuck e Cheez would beat watching the SH#TY "By the Sea" any day!!


Did you actually see it or are you parroting what you've heard/read? If you have seen it, what was so bad about it. I haven't seen it yet but plan to.


Yes I have seen it unfortunately! But the biggest question, since you seem to be devoted to defending it to your death, is HAVE YOU SEEN IT?!! lol


One post asking a question is "devoted to defending it to death?" Do you always prone to exaggerate like this? Also, DUH, I specifically said I hadn't seen it but plan to, which is why I asked the question. Reading really is fundamental.


Well, to be fair you did dump on another poster, abbystover, who was also critical of the movie when you posted, "Of course she hasn't", when another poster queried if she'd seen the movie. It does sort of make you to appear to be intolerant of those who view the movie negatively.


"Intolerant?" Interesting choice of words from one comment. Not a series of comments, but one.


Ok you are right sfmar you did say you didn't see it! lol I for some reason did not read that correctly or who knows.

Ok, what was so bad about it was many things. It literally has almost nothing going on at all! It is so boring, and the acting and script is really bad as well. I would say over all the biggest complaint about this movie is how extremely boring it is. Almost nothing happens except Jolie and Brad fight sometime, and Jolie finds a peep whole but that is about it. There is something that is at the core of all this, but I am not sure if you want me to give it away, although you will watch it and figure it out before the end anyway. It probably had some potential, but it just didn't have a script to work with. There is a lot of moments where the camera just fixates on Jolies face forever while she cries. Her makeup is never off her face even as she sleeps, takes a bath, in the morning, or when she is having one her meltdowns. I dont for the life of me why she made this movie! It just seems so pointless and meaningless.

You need to know I am not just saying this because I hate Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt. I am not a Aniston lover, I hate Jennifer Aniston!! I am simply telling you the truth. This is a really bad movie! If you finally watch it and disagree that is fine, but I would be really shocked. Good luck! Drink plenty of coffee before you watch it you will need it!!


It literally has almost nothing going on at all!

I kinda get that from the trailer which is why I didn't go see it in a theater. Will wait for DVD. How's the cinematography? It looks good from the trailer.

You need to know I am not just saying this because I hate Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt. I am not a Aniston lover, I hate Jennifer Aniston!!

I didn't assume your opinion had anything to do with "hate" for Jolie or Pitt. I also didn't assume you are or aren't a fan of Aniston who has nothing to do with any film they make. I don't think of Aniston when I think of them.


People just always come back with you hate Jolie because of Aniston thing that is why I said that! lol

The cinematography is the best thing about the movie. Actually is beautifully shot, but like some critics have said, it looks like and even feels like a long perfume commercial or Loncome makeup! lol Its just a very bad movie.


it looks like and even feels like a long perfume commercial


Ugh, haters are boring!


Again, people missed the entire point of this immaculately, directed & written piece. Loved it! And besides, who cares? The Jolie/Pitts can do whatever the hell they want & succeeded by my opinion. Even posting this has me wondering "Why bother?" More is what I want!


I was fascinated to read the comments of the people who dislike this movie. Since I felt after watching this movie it's true masterpiece and brilliance. Then again, I wasn't looking for something fast paced or cleverly humorous. People watch movies for all sorts of reasons. I was entertained trying to figure out what dark secrets this couple held. It was creepy and yet alluring watching them bond over possibly the one thing they had left in common. I guess my mind just works differently then yours. But there is definitely no denying that acting and cinematography was brilliant. In my opinion, The script was as well.
