Gorgeous Vortex Mystery Ends - NEWS + TEASER TRAILER
That's it, guys. We can now end our speculations about GV. Bloody Disgusting just announced why this segment was cut.
Here it is:
When V/H/S: Viral was first announced, a piece of information was accidentally revealed that’s caused almost a year of speculation. With Magnet Releasing putting the third V/H/S tape on DVD and Blu-ray tomorrow (Feb. 17), we can now reveal the big secret.
Our friends at Collider broke the news this morning, while also sharing an exclusive teaser from “Gorgeous Vortex,” a hidden track directed by Todd Lincoln. And when we say “hidden track,” we mean there’s literally an entire never-before-seen V/H/S segment hidden on the Viral home video release.
“Gorgeous Vortex” takes place in an ominous future. It also stars absolutely stunning Victoria’s Secret model Jayden Robinson. Lincoln’s hidden short is also the most stylish and glossy of the V/H/S segments as we wanted to try something a bit different. I think you’re all going to be pleasantly surprised with it when you find it hidden within the chapters of the full feature, as inspired by 90′s CDs like Nine Inch Nails’ Broken (it should be very clear that this is NOT a deleted story as misreported by various sites).
The article: http://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3332608/secret-vhs-viral-segment-rev ealed/
The teaser trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tMRgUtdFQE
Apparently Todd Lincoln's participation in the project was prematurely announced... I still find it strange considering the fact that parts of his segment were on the first trailer... And his name on the first poster... And his name on the Bloody Disgusting's announcement post. ~
EDIT: More info from another review:
Not included in the original theatrical cut is Todd Lincoln’s “Gorgeous Vortex.” This short appears as a special secret installment only found in the BluRay/DVD. I don’t know why Lincoln’s installment wasn’t in the theatrical cut. Maybe it wasn’t ready in time of distribution. Who knows? Maybe it’s because this one doesn’t really seem to follow the V/H/S format as unlike the rest of the films here, it isn’t found footage at all. And while some of the time, security cam footage is used, Lincoln delivers an eerie and surreal dream-like installment involving a supermodel-looking woman suffering visions of masked men, bound women, pigeons, bizarre examining machines, and a weird Montauk Monster-like thing. Mixed with all kinds of quick cuts and strange sounds, this dialog-less installment is one of the more visually pleasing and strange looking ones in the batch. Though the music video cuts and curiosities make it an outlier in the film, it still delivers a whole lot of perversion and creep, mixed with some tragic elegance. Lincoln’s definitely got an eye for mixing the strange and sensual. It just feels out of place in this film.
Article: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/70403