MovieChat Forums > V/H/S Viral (2014) Discussion > Parallel Monsters - No Subtitles

Parallel Monsters - No Subtitles

I just watched this on Nextflix. The segment "Parallel Monsters" was in Spanish with no English subtitles. What's up with that? Fortunately I could use Netflix subtitles.

Just curious.

Unveiling my first ever signature... Now where did I set my drink?


I had the same problem on Netflix. Thanks for the tip, though -- it didn't occur to me to turn on the subtitles. Fortunately, I was only a little of the way through that segment before I went here and saw your post, so I just ran it back. I remember the same thing happening with a segment from The ABCs of Death on Netflix as well. Strange that they don't do a little more oversight there.


Glad to hear someone else experienced it. Thought I might've been in my own parallel universe!

Unveiling my first ever signature... Now where did I set my drink?


Same here. It's happened before but I was not sure if it was the movie or my Roku. What did you guys watch it on?




I got English subtitles when I turned them on. They aren't on by default, but they are there.


Yeah, seems like a Netflix issue. Somehow they got a copy of the movie without hard coded subtitles. Turning on the Netflix subtitles worked, though.


If you notice during the credits when the film is rewinding you could see the original subtitles.


This is America. If you don't speak Spanish, you can geeeet out!


The Blu Ray is automatically subtitled, you don't need to choose subtitles. It just is. Funny and odd.

Bottom line, get the Blu instead of streaming it.


I know spanish and I understood it perfectly. GET ON OUR LEVEL BITCH.


Even by knowing "Spanish" it was hard to understand cause it was European Spanish, and I speak Latin American Spanish.

Imagine this: Imagine you speak american english, but the language is european english. Some words are hard to understand, same problem.

Good luck finding the subtitles!

You were the answer. All that i needed was to justify. Justify my life.
