MovieChat Forums > V/H/S Viral (2014) Discussion > Can someone explain the ending for me?

Can someone explain the ending for me?

Who was actually driving the van?


Think "the driver" was something more like "the power of the VHS-tapes" that has been shown in one form or another in all three wraparound-stories and AFAIK, it hasn't been explained, nor do I think we'll ever find out, since making a solid mystery is really easy if you just ignore to ever make up an explanation that would actually work [great].

My best guess is that some energy from all the evil sticks with the recording, and that energy wants to bond with more of the [similar] energy, and that energy isn't so much sentient as viral, thus it infects tape-hoarders (hubs/transportation), corrupts some - like the girlfriend- to be a part of it (new/more energy) and just generally acts evil because that's what it is - the cop, biker, etc. that got killed.

Like I said, the hard part of making a mysterious plot is having a great reason for everything that happens. My thoughts on it aren't worthless, but that would basically mean that V/H/S's story is a revamp of how "The Ring" works in the original novels.
