Just awful, what the hell V/H/S!?
i am a huge fan of V/H/S 1 & 2. i found them to be very creepy yet entertaining and i rate them both 9/10, sure there were a couple of segments overall that weren't great but i still enjoyed every last one of them. This movie however is one of the worst "horror" movies I've ever had the displeasure of viewing. First of all, it isn't even scary, not even a little bit. There are only 3 segments (I heard that one was cut?) here as opposed to 5 in the first V/H/S and 4 in the second movie, and while i found each and every short in those two to be both entertaining and scary in their own way, in V/H/S Viral they are just plain garbage. Seriously, what were the filmmakers thinking?
The first segment "Dante the Great" is filled with terrible acting, equally bad effects and an out of place tone. Not to mention some shots that aren't even in the style of Found Footage, therefore completely abandoning what the series has come to be known for and rendering this particular short nonsensical. "Parallel Monsters" starts of interesting enough. Shame its completely ruined by the idiotic twist that is very wtf!? inducing but not in a good way. "Bonestorm" is the last segment, and is quite possibly one of the worst things i have ever witnessed, and not just in a movie. Filled with maddening dialogue, unbearable "characters" and more *beep* effects, it ranks as the worst short in any of the V/H/S movies. The wrap around story "Vicious Circles" isn't even worth talking about. Jeez. This movie is dead to me. Rant over.