MovieChat Forums > Elvis (2022) Discussion > So... This Colonel guy. Why was Elvis li...

So... This Colonel guy. Why was Elvis listening to him?

Movie portrayed Elvis as very stupid person who just went with his finances, not caring about anything, letting colonel guy to be in charge of everything. Then one day wanting to fire him. Then colonel told him he is broke and that he owes millions to colonel. Then Elvis was like: "Okey then. You are not fired". And then Elvis wasnt broke anymore and continued with his rich life. Its a miracle.

I dont think that this is how it went in real life. Movie dumbed down it to have their villain and push the narrative how Elvis was naive fool who got used by that shady guy.

Also it was funny when Elvis was like: "I perform every day. How can I be broke?"
And daddy saying: "Well, you spend a lot on houses, planes and stuff".

When celebrities get rich they start spending around like crazy flying around on charters and buying expensive things. Then when money dry out they are suddenly: "OMG. What happened? Where all those millions" )))

You spend them dummy )))


Luck plays a part in our lives, but not every life.


funny but elvis is a typical southern just follow some jerk for money


Nic Cage stars in a lot of movies and he's broke.


Johnny Depp.


I think the film showcased the relationship pretty accurately based on what I am reading and seeing in other films and documentaries. Parker got Elvis pretty much everything he wanted. Specifically in the beginning before the films became a debate. got him national air play, got him TV spots, film roles like he was dreaming of. There was no reason for Elvis to question the colonel's tactics. By the time he did, it became harder and harder to break away because Elvis was a deeply loyal person who really did see Parker as his father away from home. How do you break away with a 'parent'? how do you destroy a 20+ year relationship with somebody. Of course we can all look back and say 'I wouldn't give this man the time of day' but we aren't Elvis and don't know what he was going through. I know there are people in MY life I could never break away from no matter how bad the relationship can seem to be. There were apparently multiple times Elvis would try and fire the colonel but it never stuck. He could never do it in person.

The $2 million dollar debt the colonel gives him was just another example of how Elvis couldn't stand up to the guy. No way something like that holds up in court. No reason Elvis couldn't leave, go play those larges stadiums overseas and pay that debt off (if he HAD to pay it) within a month's worth of shows. There was something keeping him there and it wasn't just the money. I have been in my job for 20 years. I can't even fathom looking for a job outside my company, even though I HATE my current job, because of me being older and less interested in risk taking, feeling comfortable with that steady paycheck. I like to think this is the same way Elvis felt about the colonel. It was easier staying with the enemy you know over the enemy you don't.



I hate admitting Elvis was 'dumb' or naïve but we have to face the fact he was to a point. Elvis being broke was NOT 100% Parkers fault simply because he took 50% of his earnings. Elvis didn't even care! He would have probably given the Colonel 60-70% if he wanted because what was Elvis going to do with all that. If it made other people happy, he seemed to be cool with it. He's not the only celebrity to act this way and yea, it hurts to watch. you HAVE to be in control of your finances because that's how people take advantage. How are you the most celebrated, most profitable entertainer and you die with only $5 million in your bank account? No wonder he was getting ready for another tour in spite of his health. But a lot of that is Elvis' own fault. No one told him to manage better? his own personal manager (father) couldn't tell him to back off or give him a limit? Na, if you tried, Elvis would find a way. He couldn't stop giving money away. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, everyone gets caught up in debt and spending. Just some are in a different spending bracket.

I'll never look down on his generosity though. He bought cars for complete strangers, wrote birthday checks for people he had never met. gave away jewelry like it was candy. and gave a lot to charity. I mean....what else was he going to do with it? I, personally, believe he lived like 'nothing lasts forever' and 'you can't take it with you.' He never had this money when he was a kid and wanted to share it with those who were in the place he was.

But living like that means you have to have a steady stream of income. that's why it became easier to just follow the colonel and do those cheesy movies. He got paid and got paid fast. Whenever he needed money, he could do a film. Elvis wasn't greedy, he just didn't know or didn't want to manage correctly. It all circles back.
