Anyone Here Catch Full Frontal?

It's only aired one episode, so it's too early to judge, but, so far, it has one or two elements of what Colbert and Stewart used to have- it reminded me of Colbert when he still had balls.


It's only aired one episode, so it's too early to judge, but, so far, it has one or two elements of what Colbert and Stewart used to have- it reminded me of Colbert when he still had balls.
Sounds like two, then.



And I'd like that. But that 5h1t ain't the truth. --Jules Winnfield


I seen bits and clips on youtube i keep forgetting to watch an episode. From what i saw shes good and funny she should of replaced Jon Stewart. Trevor Noah is not good imo


Trevor is OK, not great. Sam should have been given that job.


Yes, it's a great show. I think that Samantha's talent was held back on The Daily Show as any show with that many correspondents can't really showcase each and every member equally. She did some very funny bits on The Daily Show, but she's really shining now on her own show. You Go Girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and she's a HUGE improvement over the other comedy shows that TBS tried to put in front of Conan's show (i.e. Deon Cole, Pete Holmes). Deon's 'racial' humor wore thin and Holmes laughed at his own humor more than his audience did.


Bee is forking over the big bux for writers, that's for sure.

And... give Colbert a break: He's doing a different format. And (coincidentally), consider his latest sparing with Kasich, where he succeeded in showcasing that Kasich was not _quite_ the lone "adult in the room", as wishes he could market himself, but just another partisan hack, falling into lockstep on the un-Constitutional Repub bu115h1t posturing re replacing Scalia.

And I'd like that. But that 5h1t ain't the truth. --Jules Winnfield


I'm not a big fan of Full Frontal. Samantha Bee is too mean-spirited and judgemental and the laugh track is very annoying.


So, you didn't care for her on The Daily Show, either ???
