Sayonara Batiste/Meredith

While there have been lulls in the past where Batiste hasn't said much, I think, with the new showrunner, it's very safe to say that the Batiste as sidekick experiment is officially over.

And it looks like the whole Meredith thing is history as well- although that seemed to have ended almost before it started.

Licht's morning show background is heavily steeped in banter/multiple hosts, so I would expect to see a new sidekick soon. I'm predicting this Monday, or perhaps the following Monday- no later. I'm also going to predict that the new sidekick will be a lot more official, as opposed to the spineless "hey, who's over there?" approach they took with Meredith.


the spineless "hey, who's over there?" approach they took with Meredith.
that shít is so cringeworthy. as if he was just winging the show. very charming and believable. is that how he wants to appeal to youngsters? I just can't comprehend those decisions and how they make it on the air without anyone pointing out the obvious stupidity. really sounds like he surrounded himself with a buncha sycophants.


Everyone hates control freaks, but control freaks pretending to be laid back are truly reviled. There's nothing worse than 'faux casual,' imo. It's a big reason why Hillary is hated so much.

And, yes, Stephen obviously has surrounded himself with 'yes' men and women. No one in his life is saying "don't do that." I think Stewart use to fill that role, but now Jon's just collecting his EP paycheck, and nothing more. I'd like to think Licht can step in and fill those shoes, but Licht feels really corporate/really safe to me.


I didn't mind the Meredith segments ...... probably because "anyone" would have been a better comedic foe than John Batiste. I cringe every time the camera is on John, as he obviously thinks that the audience is there for him just as much as for Stephen. Can't stand his over-the-top "hammy" dancing and laughing. Even Paul Shaffer wasn't this annoying .............


I think you're reading a bit too much into Batiste's intentions. I don't see them as being that complex- or that egotistical. He's just incredibly stoned, that's all, and, as such, his needs are quite simple. He likes making music and making money. He also originates from a New Orleanian musical culture where that kind of hyping is heavily encouraged.

So, in other words, I don't blame John for being John, I blame Stephen and the producers for putting the camera on him.

And I didn't mind Meredith much, either. But I think some people obviously did, because she didn't last long. I have no doubt that poor focus group feedback put the nail in her coffin.


You are right about it being Stephen's decision. Shame on you, Colbert - Ha! As far as John being stoned ..... who knows ..... perhaps you're right about that as well ?!?!


Well, just to be clear, when I say Batiste is stoned, I'm not necessarily saying that he's smoking a ton of weed. I wouldn't rule weed out, but his high could come from something else, such as his music. It is possible to be so immersed in what you're doing that it fries your brain a bit. Anything meditative (including meditation) can produce the same effect. He's absolutely high on something, though.

For the most part, I don't like M.C.s. There's something about that seems to attract people without any talent whatsoever. If I had a dollar for every event that I've attended that was ruined by a completely crap M.C. who didn't know when the hell to shut up... To this day, I still can't get over how crap Prodigy is live. I don't despise all M.C.s- Public Enemy wouldn't be Public Enemy without Flava Flav, but my personal experience with the vast majority of M.C.s has been horrendous. I think the root problem with bad M.C.s is disingenuity- it's way too easy to try and generate an excitement that just isn't there, and, by doing so, they come off as fake and loud.

Batiste is a phenomenal musician, a piss poor banterer, and, imo, a barely tolerable M.C. As I said before, though, it's all Stephen's fault. Stephen is setting the pathologically cheerful tone. Batiste is just trying to be a good employee. Stephen is the heart of artifice. Batiste is just trying to be a loyal artery.


Batiste is just trying to be a loyal artery.

Say what, now?
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


Heart, artery. Tree trunk, branch, etc. etc.. Steven sets the disingenuous/artificial tone and Batiste follows.


I think I saw Meredith at the end of Friday's show--exciting!
