Man I dont get all the hate...

I enjoy the show. Yes it needs some tweeking but I really enjoy it. I am surprised Colbert didnt pick up more of Dave's and Jay's fans. He doesnt try all the viral stuff that the other hosts try and do. Seems like he would be more appealing to an older crowd. Also to a nerdy crowd. you can tell he tries to put his stage background to use. I enjoy it.


Colbert definitely came out last year all smug and cocky, which turned off droves of Dave fans. He won't last more than a year or two more.

Shall we play a game?


What could he do to increase his viewership? What do you mean cocky? He was proud to be on the show. I dont see how that is cocky.


The show was too much about himself and he came off as smug and entitled. In the early days Steven would even do all the voiceovers himself, being his own announcer. He would introduce himself as "..Late Show with MEEEE, Stephen Colbeeeeeeeeert". This is just an awkward meaningless detail, but it epitomized the show's problem pretty damn well. Bloated ego and nobody around to tell Stephen "this is stupid, don't do it". To this day the show is struggling to recover from that.


Yeah, Colbert basically burned his bridges with his audience early on..never to recover.

Shall we play a game?


You guys are seeing smug, entitled, and cocky, while I'm seeing pathologically happy- mental patient happy :) Imo, his Achilles's heel has been a Pollyanna-ish unbridled joy during a time in our history of unprecedented anger- on both sides of the aisle, for different reasons.

I do think that, in the background, some of his showrunning decisions showed a great deal of hubris, so smugness was/is part of the equation, but outwardly, I've never found him to be smug. Gee golly x 1000 isn't smugness.


I see a guy in a new show that doesn't appeal to his target audience. Opens with a bad monologue, horrible band led by unlikeable Batiste..and then he gets too serious with his interviews. The audience isn't buying what he's selling and this is a very, very hard magic trick to execute. Remember, Johnny Carson failed miserably on CBS before he ever starred on ABC and then NBC. He learned the hard way, why shouldn't Colbert learn the hard way?

Shall we play a game?


The male announcer started the second night of the show.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
