Is it time for toxic Late Night Shows to have a reset ?
There was a time when you could put on a Late Night Talk Show and comfortably tuck yourself in bed knowing you'd be hit with silly jokes and a highlight on the day's happenings.It was designed to be something that made you laugh and made you sleep in a good mood.
Now the Late Night Show hosts have taken on John Stewart's theme,upped it to max,mixed it with filthy language and dish it out with venom.I have no problem if they want to be Left Wing Nuts rather than have individual opinions and retain some self-respect. Only Jimmy Fallon of the lot seems to be doing a fair job. The rest from Stephen Colbert to John Oliver to Trevor Noah,Samantha Bee,etc can be put in one basket of extreme left presenters,who confuse comedy with swearing and just don't see things as the whole of America sees. No wonder they all failed in unison to bring down Trump.
There was a time when Letterman would just read what Trump had done and then follow it with a moment of silence followed by a long look at the audience.That was funny,drove home the point much better than the present hosts who just display their cussing abilities.They are smart because they can say the 'f' word so many times?They are funny because they make dick jokes with impunity? What's wrong with these guys?
I cannot believe that even Jay Leno is missed in this present toxic air of Late Night Shows.