Story, character development, plot, drama...this movie is one of the....
...last of it's kind I am afraid.
Since Michael Bay brought us Transformers in 2007, and since Sponge Bob Square Pants came to fruition, movies and entertainment has turned into a giant mess of one explosion and stimulating scene to the next.
I call it the Transformication of Movies.
You see Millennials today better have explosions and stimulation in their movies start within 30 seconds of "Directed by" at the beginning of the movie or show, or they are board and running away.
Bridge of Spies is a whisper of the old days when Cinema was....well Cinema.
A movie started with character development, moved into developing the story, added some drama for you to attach yourself to the characters, and thus began the plot that lead to the conclusion.
Unfortunately Millennials do not want to see movies like Bridge of Spies, which the box office take clearly shows which is sad.
It means we may not be seeing non stimulating explosive movies much anymore.
Enjoy Bridge of Spies people it is among a dying bread of movies.