Country People Stereotype

I'm sick of watching Australian movies that pitch country people who frequent pubs as cartoon style buffoons.
I've lived and worked in such pubs and the wonderful people who frequent these establishments are not like the stupid characters shown in so many Australian movies. It is a serious turnoff and a low point in this movie.


I think you may be hypersensitive here. I am a 60 years old country man, and I have seen a few (probably more than you ) country pubs in my time.
There are nice quiet people who sit around, drink and natter, and there are blokes who like to let off steam and make nuisances of themselves.

The nature of drama, is to imitate life, with the boring bits cut out, that is why the characters you see, City ,town or country, are not exactly similar to the real thing....N.B Drama is not reality, or even an attempt to create reality, it is the art creating an appearance of truth, for the widest range of people possible.

It is not what we have, but what we do with what we have that constitutes success in life.
