She is...strange to say the least. I don't understand why she got all dressed up to go to the fight with Jay. Was she hoping to attract Alvey's attention? The way she was talking to Lisa that night seemed off. She almost practically made it known too because of how she acted when she was signing the divorce papers.
Maybe after that time they had sex during separation, she was catching old feelings and is somewhat trying to hide them.
The way she also just dumped all that about herself in the art shop to Laura was strange too. I know she wanted to just be upfront but she got in to way too much detail. I'm not sure even I would be that honest to somebody I didn't know that well and that's saying a lot cuz I'm not good at hiding things. Although I thought you know maybe it was just a slip up but then she completely denies it to Jay making him feel worse. It would have been best had she fessed up to what she did. That would have made it slightly easier to digest.
It may be the drugs she's done that has messed her mentality up.
I try to live without regret but I'm about to break a sweat.