MovieChat Forums > Kingdom (2014) Discussion > When the fighters cut wait on the show i...

When the fighters cut wait on the show it looks really intense...

i wonder how realistic it is?


The guy who plays Jay on the show was on Kimmel recently and said that when his character had to cut like 20-30 pounds for a fight, the producers and stuff told him to do the same. So it's pretty realistic.


Sorry I mean Conan


It is and it isn't. Yes the actors do cut the wait ofcourse like fighters but fighters do it over a period of time. In S1 they showed Ryan cutting 20lbs in 1 day. That doesn't happen. UFC fighters usually do a week long cut crash if need be, not one day.


Not true. Usually it is a 48 hours cut. They maintain for a month or so lose a bit till final few days. Don't forget losing weight and cutting are not the same.


Like Slayman said, usually fighters do it over a week often dieting well in advance to make the cut easier. you get the odd occasions where fighters cut 18lbs give or take in one day (Josh Burkman springs to mind). Alot of fighters are dehydrated and irritable on weigh-in day, weight cuts are not fun, sweating out water in saunas, baths, covering up with lots of layers & towels, scraping the sweat off on harder cuts. But with proper preparation some cuts are easier than others. Some fighters don't even have to cut, smaller heavyweights & fighters that fight near their own weight.
Right now they are bringing in a new way to do it which will hopefully spread to other states and commissions until they all do it. In this method, no longer do fighters have suffer until weigh in time, they cut then weigh in officially during a 3 or 4 hour period when they are ready on the morning, then the actual weigh-in for fans/TV/Youtube audience is just for show using the official weight from earlier in the day. This makes the weigh-in day less of a misery and gives them several hours longer to rehydrate and recover. The more hydrated you are, the less impact blows to the head have on causing brain injury over time. Whether this gets incorporated into the show I don't know yet but it's not a major detail they'd focus on.
In short, I think Kingdom shows the weight cutting probably as close to real as a TV show or film will probably ever get.
Sorry if my answer was too long or confusing, I'm not a great writer.


Dude thx for you reply prob close to home for you.



It *beep* sucks. I've done it, so I know from experience. I had to cut, like, 20 pounds, but I didn't time it correctly, so I made weight earlier, and had to wait like that for, like 10 hours. Couldn't sleep night before, had a big strawberry in the morning, felt like a stake. That being said, I messed that one up, so that's on me. Anyway, it's true that you start a cut, like, 6 days before (unless you have some fat to get rid of, than it's more like, a month or more), and that final week of cut is basically getting the water out. Now, only the last day you do sauna or hot bath, and that's the real cut and really, that's the hardest part, all that before is nutrition and water loading, and then dropping (that's why they carry those big jugs of water). Now, that last part can really be miserable, depending on how much you cut, and your build, and because you don't really eat really tasty food for a week, you were sick of water, until that day (because now, it's the only thing you think about). Anything up to 15 pounds is easy, but when you get to 20, it starts getting nasty, and 30 is hell (keep in mind, that higher you go, ponds are harder to cut, and take more time).
So, to answer your question in a more simple way, sure, they do act a bit, and it doesn't look that hard in real life, but what they are trying to show is how they feel, and that is quite accurate. Also, they really do look like they do at least a small weight cut for the role. Also, a lot of stuff that they show are quite accurate (eating after making weight for example, you can't imagine how good the food tastes, nerves before the fight, solid suggestions in corner and stuff like that).


Thx for your reply πŸ˜ƒ


My lord man.... the entire week is terrible not just that day the show kinda cuts it down. If your really looking for a weight advantage or you go down an extra weight class its like 2 weeks of pain but the last day really is horrific combined with the stress of the fight my god man. It is totally realistic if anything the show underdoes it a tiny bit. It is honestly one of my favourite parts of the show, they capture the emotions and physical frustration of that and all the pre fight ordeals like ryan freaking out in the locker room on Alvey so well in that show.


What does "cut wait" mean?


What does "cut wait" mean?

Don't quote me, but pretty sure it means when you're waiting for someone/something and you want time to go quick 

--A friend is a gift you give yourself--


Xactly πŸ˜€


That article shows how different the person can look cutting weight vs not cutting weight

