Ava. Spoiler.

Didn't see that murder coming. I really thought they were gonna just OD. Idk why I didn't see that coming. I was prepared not to care at all when she died, but knowing that she was stabbed from defending herself against a rapist, I feel really bad for her. Poor jay. He just can't get a win with the ladies.


Dont you feel like it's a cheap ploy? The writes keep on making things happen instead of developing a character. What's Jay going to do? use again? Alicia stay? feel like could have used better mechanism...

loved so much more about the episode:
Kieth drama

the murder is some cheap soap opera gimmick


What's Jay going to do? use again?

Hopefully it goes the other way. He was already on a downward spiral using. Maybe seeing where being junkie got Ava snaps him out of it.

"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson


I think jay will be a little depressed but it had to happen for him to stop using. I didn't think it was cheap. Ppl have to understand that crazy stuff happens all the time. And her character didn't need to develops into anything more. She was and always would be a junkie. Jay isn't a junkie, he just needed that push to see what can happen when you use too much and blah blah blah. I think that's why when he was standing there at the end and the light shined on him it was a sign that he was actually waking up.


There literally seems to be crazy things happening all the time. But i thought her death was completely out of place. Yeah, there wasn't much to her so have her character leave. I was hoping that their story would mimmic that of Alvey and Christina. That would be tortured and compelling tv.

I dont see how this will be a wake up call for Jay. From day 1 his character has been searching for a family and for someone to love him. Now here's a girl who was doing just that and he abandoned her (to a degree because she was so vulnerable) to go train - which he told Lisa he wasn't even into. He leaves the one person that's been super devoted to him to do something he doesn't really see the point to. He will get clean after this? I high-ly doubt it.


I hear what you're saying but we already have seen jay spiral out of control and to continue that would be something. I don't know if it worked. maybe if it led to him finally killing someone. how many times have we seen him avoid that? unless something like that happens, think this tragedy will help him get clean. perhaps not though. love the show but they make it a little repetitive at times. hoping they avoid that this time.
