Episode 14 "do not disturb" Christina leaves Rehab and is sitting at the kitchen table telling Nate that she doesn't want to press charges against the therapist and she tells Nate you went through a similar situation and you didn't want to press charges you know what it's like.... How did she know what happened was there a scene where Nate tells her or tells Jay if so what episode because I must have missed it.
I'm not crazy M'Lynn, I've just been in a very bad mood for forty years.
I think she was referring to when he got jumped and beat up by those thugs in season one. But I did have to do a "double take" and think for a second or two as to what she meant.
Wait...what!??! I always thought it her alluding to his rape, coz he uses the words 'rape' and she says you had something similar happen... besides she knows he is gay. remember they ran into that twink, in s1.
I had a similar reaction trying to remember what she was talking about. I am interested in seeing how they handle the two different sexual assaults. Christina's is out in the open and Jay is so protective of her and you know her boys will do what they can to help her through this, which is what makes Nate's situation even sadder. I hate that he is going through this alone. It looks like Will might be someone who Nate is able to talk to, but I wish he'd open up to his family about the assault and also about being gay. In fact, how do you think his family will react when he does come out? I imagine that Jay will give him a hug, call him Nathaniel and tell him he loves him. I think a scene of Jay being Nate's wing man in a gay bar could be fantastic! Christina already knows but never talks to him about it so I'm not sure if it's because of a discomfort on her part or what. I don't know why, but I feel like Alvey will shock Nate by saying that he knows and has known for a long time, he supports his son and loves him, but for the sake of his career he doesn't think Nate should go public.
I can already see Jay being super supportive. He seems the most interested in Nate's happiness.
Ryan... who cares what Ryan thinks honestly.
Christina knows, and she's hinted at it with Nate. Even tried to get him to talk about it, but seems like she's backed off for the time being because 1) she's in rehab and/or 2) she realized Nate's not ready to come out.
Alvey... I don't know. I could see it going either way with him. He will either be supportive, or he'll tolerate it because it's his son, but ultimately feels uncomfortable by it or feels disappointed.
If Lisa was still around, she'd probably be like Jay and be cool with it.
i agree. Jay seems like he'd a super-duper supportive elder brother, maybe too supportive like fixing dates for him and buying condoms and *beep* - kind of like he did with girls back in s1. Christina would be cool, so would Lisa me thinks.
Alvey seems to be self-centered so maybe he'll disappear with his hotel-bff and drink then come back be like *kanye-shrug* "who gives a *beep*