
I haven't gotten into the show just yet, accessibility is my only obstacle. I'm fascinated by it, but couldn't help but wonder about certain symbolisms in the footage I've seen. The shooting star, surrounding himself in smoke--seems like the Son of the Morning Star to me... Y'know, Lucifer, Prince of Darkness.


The SHOOTING STAR is most likely a COMET or a METEORITE and not really a STAR.

Shooting Star is just the way that we tend to refer to what is usually just a MICRO SIZED METEOR.

STARS don't SHOOT across the SKY.

They die either by going SUPERNOVA (if they are BIG ENOUGH stars) ...

or else they SWELL UP and turn into RED GIANTS like our MEDIUM SIZED STAR will do before it then finally SHRINKS back down into being a WHITE DWARF.

On the SCIENCE CHANNEL they also have a PROGRAM that's still available ON DEMAND where they talk about other STARS called UN NOVAS.

And these UN NOVA STARS would also simply turn into BLACK HOLES IMMEDIATELY without ever SWELLING UP or going SUPER NOVA.

Because they were also made of other different kinds of PARTICLES back when the UNIVERSE FIRST began.

The particles they suspect they were made of were also DARK MATTER which is also a MYSTERIOUS SUBSTANCE that we don't UNDERSTAND.

And 84 PERCENT of the UNIVERSE is also contained by this MYSTERIOUS DARK MATTER.

So maybe the DARK MATTER could also be GOD???

Like LENNY also said maybe GOD was UNDER the ICE in GREENLAND???

Because without this DARK MATTER STUFF we also would NOT EXIST now.

Because it's also THE GLUE that keeps us, our GALAXY, and our SOLAR SYSTEM and the PLANETS inside of it STICKING TOGETHER.

Anyhow, that's not a STAR that we see SHOOTING AROUND inside of the PAINTINGS in the OPENING credits of the SHOW.

And the ROCK that falls into the WAX FIGURE of the POPE at the end of it also indicates it's a METEOR.

But a METEOR that size would also have LEFT quite a HUGE HOLE in the ground when it HITS the GROUND.

And PHYSICS also indicates that there would probably also be VERY LITTLE LEFT of that WAX FIGURE after it was HIT by it.

So does is anyone else IMPRESSED by how they've recently found THE GOD PARTICLE called the HIGGS BOSON in the LHC at CERN???

Thus also completing the STANDARD MODEL of PARTICLE PHYSICS for them???

🐇 🐰


He could be the Devil but probably isn't. In Episode 8 he takes great offense to an evil nun - but then again, in Omen 2 the Devil didn't like bullies and in The Devil's Advocate, the Devil declared that he was a "fan of man."


Think he went into it with a lot of arrogance because he does have some kind of supernatural power. See him more along the lines of he wants to take the church back to pre-Vatican II, a deconstruction and rebuilding. Ultimately with the goal of uniting them. In one of the episodes, which you may haven't seen yet, they focus on a bust of I think of Pope Paul VI. The Pope who drastically changed the church more to its modern state.

“I’m more humble than you can understand”-Donnie Dump


There's also the way the other CARDINALS elected him to be their PUPPET.

He's also ACTING OUT now because of that by doing what they hoped he wouldn't do and FEARED the other OLDER POPE would do if they'd elected him.

So LENNY is REACTING to both the ATTEMPT to USE him as a PUPPET and to his being ABANDONED by his PARENTS ...

which may also be a LIE ...

due to the way he also has MEMORIES of being with them at AGE 8 ...

when he's also suppose to have been taken in by the CHURCH at AGE 7.

STILL MORE DETAILS regarding that matter can be found here:

over on this other TOPIC.

🐇 🐰



Catholicism is anti-Christian, so yes.
