Oh. Ok.
Thanks or the CLARIFICATION.
So are you saying that Lenny is really a younger version of Spencer and the scenes in which they're together one of them is imaginary?
A novel called
UNDER the VOLCANO was also mentioned.
And in that novel (which also has a FILM VERSION of the story), there are 2 DIFFERENT characters:
And the OLDER and YOUNGER MEN are also there to REPRESENT the SAME CHARACTER.
So even though one has 2 DIFFERENT ACTORS in the story who are also there in the FILM VERSION,
In other words, THE OLDER MAN interacts with his WIFE one way, and the YOUNGER MAN interacts with her in another different way.
But the YOUNGER MAN also represents how the OLDER MAN use to be once upon a time.
Did that make any sense???
It can be CONFUSING.
So this is also what one wonders about this show.
If the creator could also have had the SAME IDEA in mind when he created LENNY and MICHAEL his MENTOR.
Because at one point SPENCER also refers to LENNY as THE YOUNG SPENCER.
SO NO, the scenes where they're TOGETHER aren't IMAGINARY.
They're REAL.
But the INTENTION of having them be together may also be for the same purpose as the other writer who wrote UNDER the VOLCANO has the other YOUNGER VERSION of his character there in his STORY???
Which is also to remind others of how the OLDER MAN use to be before he MORPHS and CHANGES into the person that he becomes???
Otherwise one could also be left wondering what it was the WIFE ever saw in him to make her fall in love with him???
Or is there another Spencer who is younger than Lenny and you think may actually be a young version of Lenny?
This is also an interesting idea, but can't recall seeing another different and YOUNGER VERSION of SPENCER before.
Was the boy running after Lenny's parents (which may be either a real recollection or a mere dream in the first place) ever referred to as "Spencer?" I read your posts, XXPO, and get the feeling you're kind of an eccentric sort. That's not a criticism, merely an observation
Also can't recall anyone mentioning LENNY'S NAME in his FLASHBACK MEMORIES or in his VISIONS or DREAMS where he sees THE HIPPIE PARENTS.
Sister MARY or ANDREW may have called him by his name, but also wasn't really paying attention to whether or not they mention him by his LENNY name or not in his memories.
What's also interesting is how there also seems to be A VERY QUICK CLIP in the FIRST DREAM of EP. 1 where the scene in ST. PETER'S SQUARE also QUICKLY seems to show another different scene where we see people holding up what looks like a PEACE SIGN.
And since we also hear JIMMIE HENDRIX playing the WATCHTOWER SONG, one also gets the IMPRESSION that LENNY may have been there at WOODSTOCK which was also a MUSIC FESTIVAL that took place in 1969.
So in this DREAM LENNY has where he gives the FREE LOVE LIBERAL SPEECH, is also this OTHER VERY QUICK CLIP of a WOODSTOCK looking scene.
And IF one also assumes LENNY was BORN in 1960, then that would also make him AGE 7 in 1969, but it would also make him 57 now instead of 47.
So could LENNY also have LIED about his age and look YOUNGER for his age than most men that age???
Or are these MEMORIES FAIRY TALES he's created for himself, the same way as the other 18 year old girl created FAIRY TALE versions of the VIRGIN MARY for the other SICK CHILDREN???
ECCENTRIC is a fine description. One that also seems to fit nicely in with the posting style being used.
SURREALIST are also fond of using the STREAM of CONSCIOUSNESS style as well.
FAULKER and WOOLF are also 2 of my favorite writers, but can't stand JOYCE or his
PORTAIT of an ARTIST as a YOUNG MAN (which also deals with the SAME THEMES as we have in this show).
But, imo, this show also does a much better JOB of dealing with them than JOYCE does.
Heaven knows xxpo has certainly also been called MUCH WORSE THINGS than that before.
Which is also why one is COMPLETELY IMMUNE to the INSULTS that get HURLED at them.
AFTER 11 YEARS of putting up with them here, one also feels like a BATTLE SCARED WARRIOR now from having taken and put up with so many BLOWS that others have DELIVERED to them over the YEARS.
And one just SMILES to themselves each time that they see someone else try to DELIVER still another one to them again.
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UNDER the VOLCANO CLIP HERE:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4x6x-EFEWsThe YOUNGER MAN you see REPRESENTS what the OLDER MAN use to be like back when he was still a YOUNGER MAN and before he became the HOPELESS ALCOHOLIC that he becomes later on in life.
ALSO LOVED the WAY that SPENCER kept SPITTING OUT seeds or something each time that he TALKS to LENNY.
Was also hoping that he might SPIT one of them DIRECTLY at him, BUT that never happens and he simply tells LENNY to GET OUT of his place and LEAVE him alone.
๎ฆ I wouldn't hold my breath for a clear answer...
Yes REPLIES back from xxpo can also tend to get and be a BIT FOGGY. ๎ฆ
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