MovieChat Forums > Blood Father (2016) Discussion > Mel could fall out of bed and make worth...

Mel could fall out of bed and make worthwhile action films

"Blood Father" proves, if nothing else, that Mel Gibson can do the action movies until he is 90. He plays an ex-con who is trying his best to keep his nose clean. He hasn't seen his daughter for most of her life. The only time he can see her is by looking at her picture on milk cartons. Out of the blue he receives a phone call from his girl and he springs into action. She killed her boyfriend, who was a drug dealer, and now those from his group are out to take revenge on her. When the bullets fly they hit hard. The bad guys are constantly on their trail and Gibson is using everything he knows to keep them alive. Somewhere in between the father and daughter kind of bond. A little bit anyway. Erin Moriarty plays the girl and others of note are Michael Parks and the always good William H. Macy. If you are a Gibson fan then you will probably want to add this to your collection, and for everyone else this is a decent rental or Netflex when it becomes available. A solid ** 1/2 out of 4 stars.


Great review, but can you please make it SPOILER ALERT in the title.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon
