MovieChat Forums > Blood Father (2016) Discussion > Hopefully mel gibson isn't going down th...

Hopefully mel gibson isn't going down the bruce willis route...

Bruce willis churns out a new so called action movie piece of sh t every other month...
This movie was just pointless... Father saves daughter from baddie drug dealers... Seen itva million times before... And the cinematography just looked imo cheap....
Mel Gibsons one of my favourite actors so fingers crossed he's not going down the bruce "will do anything for money" willis route...


Oh yeah, and his daughters supposed to be a drug addict? Looks pretty cute and healthy for an addict... :(


Many critics and viewers disagree with everything you just said.

Don't watch it then. The film was good, just like the book was.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


You didn't like the movie, but don't you agree Mel was fantastic in the film? Even the more negative reviews I've read still single out Mel as delivering a great performance. I'm not sure Bruce Willis has ever delivered a truly great performance, but you'd probably have to go back a decade or so to find even a good performance from him (well, he was decent in Looper).

This doesn't strike me at all as a "for the paycheck" type of role. I can't help but think Mel took it because he could personally relate so much to John Link. He clearly invested 100% into the role and I thought it showed from first minute to last in his performance. That's the difference between Mel and Bruce, who's just phoning it in these days.


Mel gibson will do his best in any part given to him, but whats the point if the parts he takes are just generic action movies like this...
I hope this is just a blip in a career otherwise, filled with interesting, genuine blockbuster movies... But if he takes many more roles like this he'll be put on the 'old action movie star' heap, churning out b level low budget movies... Imo


I can only speak for myself, but I loved this film more than most of Mel's big-budget blockbusters. The man's career began with great low-budget B-movies, so it was actually rather refreshing to see him go back to his roots, and this film had its share of loving homages to said B-movies (the motorcycle chase was a wonderful homage to Mad Max and The Road Warrior).

But do you agree that his next film, The Professor and the Madman, looks promising? It's a period piece and is co-starring Sean Penn and Natalie Dormer. You sure as hell aren't going to see Willis in a period piece or with co-stars that talented in this day and age.

reply "Generic action movies" do you include any of the Lethal Weapon series of movies?

God doesnt exist! The Hokey Cokey is what its all about?----


For sure, sean penn usually only takes parts in movies that have something that separated them from the usual hollywood stuff... Natalie dormer, not so keen on though... Good in game of thrones, but 'the forest' was very b movie...
Good to see mel gibson has a new war movie coming out soon too, for all that his reputation has taken a beating over the last ten years, good to see him back directing and hopefully acting in some gritty movies...


kennyamac, of course your opinion has zero credibility. You rated Man of Steel a 1 and The Burbs a 10. Your judgement speaks volumes.


funny that idiots like jcarpenter go and look at how others rate movies and then if they disagree with ratings post them on threads that have absolutely nothing to do with those ratings... i suggest you change your nickname, john carpenter is a great director, while you, jcarpenter are just an *beep*

oh and by the way, man of steel was terrible, it wasn't a superman movie. the burbs on the other hand was(what it said on the tin) a great comedy... i hate false advertising, like man of steel masquerading as a superman movie, its kind of like you masquerading as a great director(or some kind if movie expert), when in fact you are just an ignorant turd.


Having to rely on pejorative incivility as a response also speaks volumes. Keep trying to talk about things you don't understand.


and you keep telling yourself you have a brain.... btw I'm guessing from your posts you are either a teenager or in your twenties, as you stink of entitlement...


Again, a failing of logic on your part. An IMDB member for 12 years, 1400 movies rated, and I'm the teenager. We all sprang from apes, but you didn't spring far enough.


"Teenager OR in your twenties", poor grasp of the english language to go along with your nasty sense of entitlement...


We didn't spring from apes. God created man from the dust of the earth and woman from man's rib. We sprang from them. Apes are a separate created kind that God spoke into existence during Creation Week.



God doesnt exist! The Hokey Cokey is what its all about?


Considering Mel's got more talent and doesn't sleep walk through any of his roles, then no.
