MovieChat Forums > Blood Father (2016) Discussion > Is it just me or are the people behind t...

Is it just me or are the people behind this movie incompetent?

I am not sure that the people behind this movie could have done a better job of hiding it from fans and making it difficult to watch if they tried. Took them a couple of years to release it. They never bothered to give any updates or any information about the movie. Now that it is out, It's impossible to locate in the theaters. I know it is a limited release but still it is a lot more limited than most... seeing as how I am usually able to find a theater within a 100 miles that plays a movie even when in limited release. It was apparently available on-demand right after, well I couldn't find it. I know the DVD is coming out on the 26th but still. You don't often see a company make you work to find a way to give them money. I swear, I could have done a better job advertising this movie. Most people will just download or stream it because it is so much easier than jumping through hoops to find a legit version. Get The Gringo was a straight to VOD and it worked perfectly, so I don't know what the hell the problem is here...


VOD Aug 26
DVD Oct 11

Yeah roll out and info from Lionsgate really poor. Twice they tweeted it is out VOD when it isn't yet. Twice they put an incorrect link to their own page where you could find the theatres that are playing it. Poor show


Sadly Lionsgate have previous form when it comes to poor promotion of their films!

The excellent Action/Sci-Fi movie Dredd was similarly poorly treated in the U.S, resulting in an underwhelming box-office!

Hope Blood Father is treated better in the U.K as I really want to see it at a cinema.

Bring Back Dredd sequel Facebook page:


^This. Dredd was out of this world. Yet allowed to sneak past audiences due to shameful promotion. Yet they promoted the HELL out of Gods of Egypt.

Sicario is another example of one of theirs that floundered without marketing.


Always good to hear from another Dredd fan!

And yes Sicario should of done much better, an excellent film!

Bring Back Dredd sequel Facebook page:


ok massive elephant in the room... He (Mel) went on a drunken, rather massive anti-semite rant. In hollywood. Tom Cruise gets a pass for being crazy as a three leggeg toad, why not Mel?


Mel insulted the Jews, Cruise didn't. It's probably as simple as that. Gibson is so much more talented it's not even close. So disappointing that his films all get dumped these days. At least they're letting him direct still.


They have been insulting him for years. He even said what he said was stupid because drunk people are stupid as *beep*.

Yes, I can't wait for Hacksaw will be amazing I bet.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


Mel had the power and money to do whatever he wanted, and he used that to make his own movie - The Passion.

The Jewish community felt it was prejudiced against them and went after him. That even made it difficult for him to get an American distributer for the film.
Mel got drunk and made a mistake, probably a lot of hatred in him from the way he'd being treated just because he made the movie he wanted.

Marlon Brando even said the Jews run Hollywood. Apparently, you're only allowed to tell the stories you want, if they agree with your views.

Black people in Hollywood have said racist things, Woody Allen and Roman Polanski haven't got clean reputations but Mel's a white guy so....

Public enemy number 1 apparently.


A Hollywood actor, director, etc. will only be Blacklisted if their films don't make money at the Box Office, pure and simple. The executives in Hollywood don't care what is said about them or anyone else - anti-Semetic, racist, sexist, homophobic 'slurs' mean nothing. Crazy behavior like Cruise's is the norm...and he, Polanski and Woody Allen continue to make movies because there are large audiences for their films.

Mel's Blacklisting had nothing to do with 'The Passion...' or his arrest remarks to the Jewish officer and the female officer, or even the domestic abuse charge. Mel was Blacklisted in Hollywood because there was 'public outcry' against him and the threat his films would lose money. However, with the public support and huge profit from 'The Passion...' and 'Apocalypto' Mel could have done what Polanski has done - get financing through International Distributors. He didn't.

I loved 'Blood Father' and I'm really looking forward to 'Hawksaw Ridge.'


"ok massive elephant in the room... He (Mel) went on a drunken, rather massive anti-semite rant. In hollywood. Tom Cruise gets a pass for being crazy as a three leggeg toad, why not Mel?"

Mel doesn't get a pass because he told Hollywood he doesn't need them, and he'd pay for it himself, when no studio wanted to produce his Jesus movie. He then proved it by earning almost a billion dollars with his two "self-financed" movies.


What a fooking living legend.

Ha-ha! I threw that *beep* before I walked in the room!


Mel is the man, no *beep* pussy ass jews can stop him.


interestingly, there's a few rather blunt scenes in the film with neo-nazis and migrant workers. mel says to the preacher that he's "still backing the losers" or something like that. he and his daughter ride in the back of a truck with some day laborers and she confronts his stereotyping. when the film ended, with those scenes in mind, I was surprised he wasn't producer or co-writer! I wonder if he had anything to do with those? clearly, I thought, they addresses his critics here.

my two cents: not the most original film, and some of the wacky editing with time sequences didn't work for me... but, I liked it because it's good to have mel back!


Most people will just download or stream it because it is so much easier than jumping through hoops to find a legit version
Oh you catch on quick


Sad to hear it's hard to find- it's on wide release here in Australia.

I guess it shows that ten years on, Hollywood still hasn't forgiven Mel.

Kind of sick when you think that, according to Tinseltown, Roman Polanski never actually did anything wrong... yet Gibson remains in the sin bin.


Why are people comparing Mel Gibson to Roman Polanski? Mel is a bigot and an addict, Roman is a pedophile, permanently on the run, with an international arrest warrant. Neither have been given 'a pass'. Mel has fallen from international super star and important hollywood entity to used up old has been. Also everyone is saying he was drunk and that's why he said and did bla bla... Problem with that idea is that being drunk doesn't make you think and say stuff that isn't already in your head... you don't start out a decent human being, get drunk and become a bastard. You start out a bastard who knows how to keep his views secret, until you drink to where your inhibitions are gone and bam: full blown bigot outburst. So both Mel and Roman (and Lionsgate for that matter) can just go ahead and suck it as far as I'm concerned...


Problem with that idea is that being drunk doesn't make you think and say stuff that isn't already in your head... you don't start out a decent human being, get drunk and become a bastard.

Is that a scientific fact, doctor?

I'm just messing with you but yeah, you can start out a decent human being and get messed up by drugs or booze. I have an uncle who's been sober for 15 years. He is the sweetest person you could ever meet. Wouldn't hurt a fly. Never raised in hand against anyone or said a bad thing to anyone when he doesn't drink. 15 years ago, he punched his wife in the face because she was "talking too loud" while drunk, after a party. He checked himself into rehab the next day. Been sober ever since.

Obviously that's just one story and there are plenty of bastards sober or drunk out there but you can't just assume someone is just because he got drunk and acted like an *beep*

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco



My apologies. I'm sorry that by stating that people start out as bastards regardless of whether they are drunk or not, automatically implies that your uncle (and indeed millions of people in the same situation) must surely be a bastard, and that now that your uncle is sober he is just successfully repressing his inherent bastard-ry-ness. That was not my intention, nor do I believe that.

Let me put it to you this way: The key point I am trying to make is that drinking alcohol lowers your inhibitions. That is a scientific fact. Another fact is that every human being has impulses which are suppressed by inhibition. Another interesting fact is that noise and sound can trigger a flight or fight response in many people, regardless of volume or duration; this is especially so for introverts.

I would therefore argue that someone like your uncle had a natural, normal, human response to what he perceived to be too much noise or sound, and since his inhibitions were down, he was unable to resist the primal impulse to smash the source. As a sober man with full faculties he is able to see his beloved wife, a higher cognitive function that overrides the primal impulse (although it is still there if even imperceptibly).

However, bigotry IS a higher cognitive function requiring meaning and language, and is therefore not an impulse. The impulse Mel normally suppresses but couldn't when he was drunk was to keep his bigotry to himself or to spew it out. In his drunk state he was unable to suppress the impulse to express himself freely, but when he did, the ideas that were expressed were ideas that he already held.

Sorry for the thesis and apologies again if I offended you or your uncle. :)


I wasn't comparing...I was giving examples of actor/directors who have committed crimes and how they are treated differently. I have to disagree - Polanski HAS gotten a pass. He's been 'on the run' since 1977 but he has been provided funding for his films, which he directs at about the same pace as he did before. Plus he was nominated for an Oscar in 1979 for 'Tess' and won the Best Director Oscar in 2002 for 'The Pianist.' Aside from Hollywood, he won't ever be extradited from France and he was even allowed to sue a magazine in the US while remaining 'at large.' Granted, the magazine wrote a disgusting article about his murdered wife.

Mel didn't work for 4 years, 'Edge of Darkness' bombed in 2010 and 'The Beaver' bombed (although he's great in it) in 2011. I really liked 'Get the Gringo' but it only grossed $5M and didn't even do well on VOD. He then did two supporting roles - 'Machete Kills' and 'The Expendables 3' and it was two more years before he got 'Blood Father' which didn't do well in the theater but is gaining an audience. He finally secured $55M to direct 'Hacksaw Ridge.' But even still, the trailers exclude his name - 'From the Academy Award winning Director of 'Braveheart' and 'The Passion of the Christ'...who shall remain anonymous for now.

If 'Hacksaw Ridge' is a box office hit, and is as good as it looks, Mel will probably be back in good graces. However, the likelihood he'll conform is unlikely...he just called 'Batman vs. Superman' a $250M 'piece of *beep*


Good points. I suddenly realized I don't know as much about these two people as I thought I did. I agree that Batman v. Superman was a piece of whatever is under that ridiculous censored *beep*... And that doesn't make me a bigot! ;)


Thank you. I just noticed they *beeped* me. Holy BEEP! :D


Mel isn't a bigot. He said some *beep* while he was drunk just like every other human being. Go back to your safe space.

Utah! Get me two.


I've already explained in previous posts why what you said is facile.


living under a rock for the last 15 years! mel is on the jew black list!
