MovieChat Forums > Blood Father (2016) Discussion > Anyone else teared up at the end?

Anyone else teared up at the end?

Cause I sure did a few drops...i didnt expect it.


just the fathers


It was an emotional ending. (Spoilers) In addition to the last scene between Link and his daughter, I really liked the quick cut to black and the final words "Thank you" spoken afterward. Very nice touch.


I didn't. The movie was entertaining, but the story was predictable and I never found myself emotionally invested in it.



Exactly the same. I was caught off guard a bit, maybe I wasn't paying enough attention but I honestly didn't think they'd kill Link. Solid movie however I wasn't broken into tears.


I thought this was a horrible ending. From the moment the scene cut to the sharing circle. 


I was more sad when ole Kirby died. Mr Macy is just so damn likeable and Kirby was a completely innocent dude.


Yes, at the very end when his daughter was talking about missing him and the credits come up while shes talking, beautiful.

Also that Mel is properly back to save us from these cornball moviestars!


Also that Mel is properly back to save us from these cornball moviestars!

Yes, I was sad because the tattoo of "Lost Soul" Ugh tears. Just as a parent too, we want to help our children, and he did. It was sad; she literally does owe her life to him, in many ways of course.

Great film, great acting. Love my DVD.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


VERY much. I didn't expect to be so emotionally affected, and had to compose myself to not be extremely embarrassed at the tears running down my cheeks.

Great movie; yes, predictable and to some degree formulaic, but carried out incredibly well with A+ performances throughout. Since I hadn't heard anything at all about it I didn't expect it to be anywhere near as good as it was. It was a fantastic reminder that, regardless of what has taken place in his personal life, Mel Gibson is still second to none as an actor.


Great movie but killing him off was a mistake and too predictable


Great movie but killing him off was a mistake and too predictable

I liked it too. But I don't think the end was predictable, that's an easy knee-jerk reaction to tons of posters on Imdb. If the author didn't want him to die, people would say it was predicable. There's a 50/50 chance here LOL

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


I liked the movie but it was predictable

The older guy double crossed Link
Link goes back to get his weapons and kills him
Macy dies
Daughter get kidnapped
Link dies saving his daughter
Boyfriend ends up locked up with his friend with connections
Daughter cleans up


The ending was awesome. I know everybody is griping about how he had to die but I think the movie works a whole lot better than if he didn't.

The way I see it is this: The man died in his boots. He died knowing his daughter is going to be safe and knowing that his daughter loves him. He died protecting the only good thing he has left in the world. No matter how many poor decisions the daughter made (ie. letting the cartel track her on her cellphone) he gave it his all for her and that to me is a beautiful ending.

If he lived I would have written this movie off as just another good but generic action thriller.
