Impressive action scenes.
I'm surprised there isn't more acclaim for the action in this film. It's not non-stop action, but director Jean-Francois Richet spaces the setpieces judiciously and makes sure every gunshot, chase, and hand-to-hand fight is visceral as hell. I thought these were the best "old school" action scenes I've seen in a long time, even better than those in Mel's Get the Gringo.
My favorite setpieces were the motorcycle chase (which was a wonderful homage to Mad Max and The Road Warrior) and the climactic desert fight and shootout, which boasted a lot of genuine tension, something so rarely felt in action movies these days. (Spoilers) This film was just packed with moments that had me cheering, like when Mel bit that gangster's ear off or when he blasted that biker with the double-barrel shotgun or when he casually shot his old biker boss.