Left wing garbage...

From the opening shot, it's clear the writers/director can't control themselves and have to push a left wing agenda.

The whole idea that in America teenagers can buy ammo willy nilly is nonsense. Pretty much everywhere in America, you have to be 21 to buy handgun ammo and, yes, you have to show ID. The notion that teenagers can just buy ammo without ID is a flat out lie. If you have to lie to push your political agenda, then you're pathetic.

Next, the stupid millennial girl tries to educate her "ignorant" dad about those illegal aliens. "No white person ever picked an orange"?? Are you flipping kidding me?

"Eve wasn't white!" Really? Was this necessary? Who knows what Eve was, but they couldn't help themselves...had to push that anti-white agenda.

So, in summary, let's see...America is evil, white people are evil and privileged.

Thanks Hollywood for the brainwashing!


The ammo opening actually made me chuckle at first. I was hoping that it was strictly a joke. The writers should've known that wasn't accurate. Maybe within the world of the movie you can buy ammo at any age.

Then there was the fruit thing... yeah, that one was pretty obvious. Then again, it could've just illustrarted the generational gap between them. This is something that a millennial would say... but not one with her kind of background.

The movie was directed by a French guy, so maybe it reflected his distorted view of the U.S.

You wouldn't think Mel Gibson would go along with this kinda thing. I was under the impression that he was Conservative. Although, there was an anti-NRA sign in one of the Leathal Weapon films. Maybe he's appeasing Hollywood, or maybe he has nothing to do with it and just goes along to get along.

This isn't a big Hollywood movie, but you can find this kinda preachy crap in small independent films as well. It's annoying. When people sit down to watch a movie they just wanna be entertained, not preached to.


This isn't a big Hollywood movie, but you can find this kinda preachy crap in small independent films as well. It's annoying. When people sit down to watch a movie they just wanna be entertained, not preached to.

Oh, I disagree with you there, friend. I think that when these idiots that complain all the time about "left wing agendas" or "PC nonsense" in films watch movies not to be entertained but to intentionally get on IMDB and bash movies. I can just hear them saying, hey, let's watch this movie and pick out all the stuff we think is PC or political or liberal or all the other stupid fekking sh!t we have going on in our tiny, narrow minds and then waste our time on IMDB pi$$ing and moaning about it all.


The girl bribed the cashier.


Could you please clarify: If a movie has ANY sort of comment that could be interpreted politically, is it then "pushing an agenda"?

I mean, those comments have NOTHING to do with the plot or the overall story, after all. We're not talking Rise of the Orange Pickers here.

The scene had one clear purpose, to show that father and daughter are very different in their attitudes and general ideas about life.

Why are you trying to push your agenda onto the movie and everybody else?
