Left wing garbage...
From the opening shot, it's clear the writers/director can't control themselves and have to push a left wing agenda.
The whole idea that in America teenagers can buy ammo willy nilly is nonsense. Pretty much everywhere in America, you have to be 21 to buy handgun ammo and, yes, you have to show ID. The notion that teenagers can just buy ammo without ID is a flat out lie. If you have to lie to push your political agenda, then you're pathetic.
Next, the stupid millennial girl tries to educate her "ignorant" dad about those illegal aliens. "No white person ever picked an orange"?? Are you flipping kidding me?
"Eve wasn't white!" Really? Was this necessary? Who knows what Eve was, but they couldn't help themselves...had to push that anti-white agenda.
So, in summary, let's see...America is evil, white people are evil and privileged.
Thanks Hollywood for the brainwashing!