MovieChat Forums > The Girl on the Train (2016) Discussion > Tracking for an $18 million opening week...

Tracking for an $18 million opening weekend

That actually seems low. I don't think the budget is big, but given the book's popularity I honestly think it should be tracking higher.


Blunt isn't a Witherspoon or a Hathaway. She can't open a film.

Want three steaks?... My mistake. Four steaks. 


It will depend on the reviews. I'm hoping for raves. I really want this movie to be good.

made you look


I think the will fair better internationally then in the US.

I live in Australia and the promotion for the movie here is pretty good.

I see a teaser for the movie daily on TV and there are quite a few posters over Melbourne (which is where I live)


I agree that the movie will do better overseas. In the US, I think it will depend on the reviews.

I don't think the budget is very high


Agreed, depends on reviews. If it gets strong reviews, it will be a huge hit - a female centered thriller that is exciting. I don't know what I expect. Some of what I've seen makes it appear as if they've amped it up in spots. That to me suggests some insecurity/lack of faith in the material. Looks like the sex scenes are hyped up (The Rachel in the novel never sees actual sex from the train as she seems to in the movie) and Rachel acts out in some way in public after seeing Megan "cheat" on Scott.

A lot of box office stars have flops. Emily Blunt is a good choice for this as I think she is perfect to communicate Rachel's intensity and at times inappropriate emotionality, and her lack of self-worth.


I think this movie will be a big hit! This book has been on Best Seller lists for years. If it gets good reviews, more so.
