Random footage of Angus? (and all the gang)
I wonder if they ever just got together and shot as many quick scenes as possible, just showing the Tall Man saying vaguely menacing things, and saying booooyyyy, and giving the camera that LOOK, etc etc etc. I sure hope so. In the future, they could just CGI whatever the hell they want into the background of those scenes, and build stories around whatever footage they have of Angus, and whatever lines he said in the footage. But, without him, the franchise is basically dead... it just wouldn't be the same.
For the record, I also hope ALL the other actors would consider doing the same thing. They have all been such good sports about the franchise, and hobnobbed with crazy phans over the years... why not, I bet they would do it.
Maybe, someday soon, there will be PERFECT artificial voice synthesis, and we will be able to have a computer-generated version of Angus's voice that is indistinguishable from the real thing. That would be cool. But, it would still be better to have genuine footage, and his actual, real voice, to work with.
For Grave Encounters... I'm Lance Preston.