Is anybody else worried this film will be filmed mostly on a green screen and look incredibly crappy? I know this film was made on nickels and dimes, but I really hope they shot as much as possible on location and on sets. I'd hate to see the last chapter of Phantasm to look like a youtube production.
Yes and no. Hartman has the skills to do that sort of thing realistically, and it was largely a passion project. That said, some of the cgi from early trailers was horrible. Some was passable. There is one scene of a bound hand with a sphere floating near it that looks fake as hell. Then there is a shot of the Tall Man where he is cross eyed. Given the amount of post production time they had, though, it's reasonable to expect that they cleaned things up since fixing cgi is more a matter of time than money if you have guys 'contributing' their talent. I think there's a good chance it will be on par with average low budget cgi. I mean, at the end of the day it's not about the effects anyways. Who thought that damn fly from the original was remotely convincing? The philms are hit or miss when it comes to fx to begin with.
How do you know how much post production time was really spent on it? It seemed like for a majority of the wait was it sitting on the shelves somewhere waiting for an approved release that kept getting pushed back with no word on why or when, until now. For all we know the post production only took a month or less.
Well, they said as much. Im not implying ALL of the delay was post, but they listed it in post for several months so it's reasonable to think Hartman improved on the cgi. But again, I'm saying it is reasonable to expect, not that I know it for certain. I thought that was pretty clear. Ill be sure not to reply to your threads in the future. ;)
be worried. but remember we are talking about a Phantasm film here so low budget is to be expected. the reviews have said the movie is filled with tons of cgi. So bad that at times it seems like something out of a terrible video game...especially the scenes on the supposed red planet. one review describes it as a world the tall man has taken over and destroyed. possibly many red planets? they can be jarring because at one moment everything on screen is going fine and then suddenly this obviously terrible cgi effect comes on the screen and takes you out of the movie.
so sadly JJ Abrams had nothing to do with this film, just the P1 restoration.
No, not really worried at all. I can forgive just about anything in a film as long as it isn't boring. The worst crime a film can commit in my view is to be banal. If RAVAGER is engaging and exciting, bad visuals will be far less of a problem for me.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world