
Ok, this series has a phan base. A quite serious and very loyal phan base! All we've had are You Tube ads... nothing in theaters (that I know of). No TV ads... nearly NOTHING. And I love the latest ad they released online. Even so, that ad wouldn't even pass the "everyone" or G rating for an ad for 'general audiences' to see because of the cursing in it. So I'm guessing NO TV ads for the short term theatrical release?? Man, that stinks... even if this movie (and the original go digital shortly after the release). If they took the pre-order down from Amazon... is there something up with the rights? or could it be they're simply cooking up a different way or simply a later date for the Blu Ray & VOD sales? Well I WAS right in one way... the movie IS coming out in October... I was just a year off. :) But no, it was NOT me who put Oct 31 for the release last year! Magazine marketing even? Come on... something. Annoying cell phone pop ups on Angry Birds?

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!
