MovieChat Forums > Phantasm: Ravager (2016) Discussion > Ravager No Longer Available on Amazon

Ravager No Longer Available on Amazon

I ordered on Amazon the Blu-ray, suppose to be released on Dec. 6th a few days ago, $17.99. Now it shows unavailable, as does Phantasm Remastered. Hopefully just a temporary glitch and not a sign of a problem...

The Oct. 4th release on Amazon Video still shows up.


I ordered both blurays from Best Buy last week for $17.99 each. Someone on said Best Buy took the order page for Ravager down so I checked my order and it said I was getting 2 copies of Phantasm Remastered. I cancelled my order after that.
I'm getting the digital of Remastered and 3,4, and 5 and will just wait for the boxed set for the blurays.


Yeah - what the heck? I pre-ordered my DVD of Phantasm Ravager over the weekend from Amazon, and now it says currently unavailable. I was going to wait an extra two months after the digital release for the disc to come out, as I still prefer to have it on disc (to go with the Phantasm 1,2,3, & 4 discs I already own). I really didn't want to have to buy it twice, once digital, and then the DVD (okay - call me cheap). It still shows up in my orders, so I guess I'll just sit back and wait a little while. As the OP said, hopefully just a temporary glitch. After an 18 year wait since Phantasm IV, I REALLY want to see this!


I too wanted to buy the DVD or blu ray but it's not listed at all on Amazon.


Is the original Phantasm (and 2, 3, and 4) even available on Blu-Ray?


2 is available on Blu Ray I picked a used copy from a Movie Stop that JUST closed that was 1 mile away from my house! Argh... Seemed like every time I went in I asked about the other Phantasm movie on DVD (and they USED to have a lot of used copies!) that is right until the teaser TWO YEARS ago for Ravager, then they ALL flew off the shelf, and dummy me picked up II, but not the original... and now the place is gone. Double Bam Bam!

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!


Interesting. I went online to buy a box set of Phantasm 1-4 blu-rays, and kinda surprised that only 2 was on blu-ray. Actually, very surprised. I have the sphere box set of 1-4, but it's kinda a pain because they don't play in standard US players and don't have cases, etc.


I have the sphere box set too. It is so cool. When I bought it I downloaded some covers for each disc and made my own DVD cases. But as you said they were not Region 1 discs, but luckily I have 2 Region free players so I was able to watch them. Later I bought 1-4 individually on DVD when they were released so I have all in Region 1 too. Okay, I spend too much time and money on Phantasm!!! 😀

Can't wait for Tuesday!!!


So is Tuesday the day when Ravager should be available to watch-stream on Amazon?


Yes, it is still available for streaming....


Like you, William, I own the Phantasm Sphere set, as well as 1-4 on Region 1 DVDs. I bought the Sphere set quite awhile before Phantasm II ever came out on Region 1 DVD, because it didn't look like that was ever going to happen! Now I'm wondering what the deal is with the Ravager DVD. Like I said above, I was willing to wait an extra two months to get it on DVD to put with my other Region 1 editions, but if that's delayed for TOO long, I guess I'm going to have to pony up for the digital version ...


Ravager JUST premiered at Fantastic Fest, so I'm guessing Amazon jumped the gun in listing it as being available for rental... Coscarelli himself indicated that the DVD was still being worked on (special features, etc).
