MovieChat Forums > Phantasm: Ravager (2016) Discussion > OT: Has Don/David used the same lenses f...

OT: Has Don/David used the same lenses for all Phantasm films?

Edit: Because it was crappy.

Was it just a run of the mill 35mm lens?

Phantasm III and Phantasm IV look really similar, I wonder what film and lens Don used?

Phantasm II has a distinct look, but I think that's probably the film stock.

Phantasm was cheaper stock if I remember right and used mainly 50mm lenses, I think some 35mm.

Wondering what Ravager is going to use.

Digging to the rhythm and the echo of a solitary siren.


Some of it is stock lenses, some of it is a pro kit. I think the tie-up footage was filmed with a Red or some similar pro-digital kit, the 'shorts' seemed filmed with high end consumer stuff. The cinematography is all over the map for Ravager.
