
It ravaged my wallet I'll give it that much. What a sad mess of a way to end a great series. I'm going to pretend this crap never existed.


Yeah.... as much as I wanted to see it, even with their low budget, they could have done better in terms of story. I mean they've had so long to finish this the right way. I don't mind the CGI or cheap video, I do mind the pacing. Those camera angles, too, ugh.

Digging to the rhythm and the echo of a solitary siren.


I've been offering this a great deal of thought since the morning and have been mulling over the meaning of the film. Whether or not the "real world" scenes are a ploy of the Tall Man or another-world Reggie, I don't feel they really add anything to the film. They accomplish well the goal of muddling the crap out of the narration of the film but otherwise, everything was well executed. I could care less if the film has poorer CGI than what we get of the schlockploitation of Sci-Fi or if its direction is all choppy because it started as one thing or another. What matters to me is the fact is that we have Reggie working up the much awaited gravitas to confront the Tall Man, in his own world, no less, and refuse a deal with the devil -- instead telling him to shove it.

To me, the entire film is a character dissection of Reggie and seeks to evaluate/demonstrate the steel of his identity. It juxtaposes themes of normality and conformity (i.e. the "real world") against the often bleak, greyness of reality and how choices often come down to the most simple of things (".. It's called loyalty!") in the face of overwhelming complexity. The Tall Man is an unfeeling, alien thing. It simply doesn't comprehend flesh sacks made of water and meat. However omnipresent, omnipotent it has demonstrated itself and for all of the loss it has caused, this is the first time (at least to me) that it appears to recognize that such things amount to less than the grit of a few people to stand against it. Perhaps to an extent, it has "lost" at its own games.

When each part is taken individually, the flaws do show through. However, the sum of the parts is overwhelming in its nuance and complexity. Personally, I'm going to be thinking about this for a long, long time.


Yeah I wouldn't call it atrocious at all, but I am disappointed. More so with the pacing and especially with the camera angles and... uninspiring "zooming" of random scenes (Mike, needle, thread - that is all).

The CGI was okay, I mean, I expected cheap CGI. Didn't mind some of the footage being consumer level stuff and some being higher quality, or the audio problems.

Just those stupid, stupid, stupid camera angles and ridiculous zooms. Ugh. This isn't a random Sci-Fi original action thriller, it's Phantasm. *beep*.

Also the introduction was a bit annoying in the sense that it could have been more like the others, with a better recap, the word Phantasm glowing into reveal and then RaVager appearing. Instead it's just a "WOW! ZOOM EFFECT! WOOSH!".

Anyway, with all the bitching, I did like it. I'm assuming the awful zooming/MTV 90s camera angles were because of budget.

Otherwise, I liked it, but I feel IV was a better ending. V just feels like a fan fiction or epilogue.

Digging to the rhythm and the echo of a solitary siren.


I liked it more than you guys. But I see your points for sure. It's like they filmed 3 different movies and were deciding which one to release. Then they ran out of money and had to splice it together quick. We had the desert movie, the red destroyed city movie, and the evil mental hospital movie. Oh, and the cabin in the woods / farm movie.


I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but it is by far the worst out of the series. I am grateful we got another sequel but I think I prefer IV's ending overall, now. It was great seeing Mike, Reg and Jody in the car together.

But it wasn't worth the wait, I don't think. Not all the years worth (18 or 2, however you look at it).

Digging to the rhythm and the echo of a solitary siren.


This makes 1,2,3 look REALLY good in comparison. Four still had questionable quality as far as I'm concerned.

How do you film worse now than you did in the 70's is the question?

The cheapness of the video was mind blowing. It only looked good in wide shots and the close ups were straight out of some cheap movie. The only thing that even saved most of the film was Reggie's acting and of course the Tall man. He deserved better... that is for sure.

Music was so generic sounding as well.. placed in sections that didn't even need music. I wonder if Don was even on the set.... I'm confused....

John Dies in the End looked way better in quality than this.

There are no words... The balls weren't even scary. I was thinking this is a cruel joke. Phantasm 4K is the better option than watching this.

It does make me want to go watch Part 2 again just to see how much potential this series had when you give it a nice budget. Part 2 was the only one I saw at the theater mind you... I saw Phantasm on VHS originally.

Since Don opted not to direct it, I think that says ALOT... I was right. I didn't want to be... but the majority of "on the fence" fans will turn on this movie. Maybe Uber hardcore fans will at least enjoy it... It feels like it was described... lots of web episodes put together for fans.... as this was originally planned for youtube or something and it shows.

If you were hoping to go out with a bang.... Someone should have funded Roger Avery's script.

As far as the end.... not satisfied with what they gave us. I guess I'm satisfied it's over though. All she wrote.


i loved the movie its a fun low budget b movie send off i never expected a low budget horror series to have some lord of the rings finale this movie was pretty much a b movie version of the thirds campy style with the seconds action thrown in an the mind reality warp of the 4 an 1


Horrendous film, the series ended at 2 or 3.


All the things mentioned in this thread I feel the same way about but I could have forgiven it all if only there was actual closure in this "final" installment.
