Mike in this film

From what I've been hearing this film is really Reggie-centric, can anyone who's seen it tell me if we get any new info on Mike and why the Tall Man is so obsessed with him? Because, tbh, that's been the driving mystery of the franchise, not anything to do with Reggie. (Yes I'm aware this movie started out as "Reggie's Tales")


Mike's got a pretty good amount of screen time but no new info on why the Tall Man wants him so desperately.


Sounds really disappointing. Maybe we can get a tie-in comic in the next decade or so that explains what's up with them... I think a lot of fans fully expected Mike to take up the Tall Man mantle at least temporarily in this movie.


No new information, although it did continue Oblivion's suggestion that there was some connection between The Tall Man and Mike. As with the previous sequels, it was mostly about Reggie.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!
