Not worth the wait, sadly

Was Phantasm: Ravager worth the wait? That’s a hard question to ask, and an even harder one to answer. Because at this point, it’s the phans who own the Phantasm series and no one else — not mainstream audiences, not critics, and not the casual horror crowd. Everything about the series is beyond those demographics’ criticisms. It’s up to the individual phan to determine whether Ravager was a fitting end to the long-running series, or a blown opportunity for catharsis that Oblivion had the decency to temporarily provide, even within its fog of ambiguity. For this particular phan, Ravager falls somewhere in the middle.


Hardcore fan since the 70's and no ... not worth the wait.... NOT one bit worth the wait.


Been a fan of the series forever but no this movie was not worth the wait. it should have ended at part 4.


It was one big confusing mess. I'm not sure they should have bothered to make it. I think they should have made a video game out of it. That might have worked better.


Not as bad as you guys are indicating. Was it any more confusing/nonsensical than the other 4? I don't think so. Space-time-dream-dimensions have been confusing us since why stop now.
I would have preferred a streamline story with explanations, but I got what was pretty much expected. If you didn't get boosebumps when Jody pulls up in the post-apoptalyctic Hemi, then you're not a Phan!


I don't think people care about the confusing story. It's more "ZOOM! WOOSH! BANG!" camera angles, zoom effects and shakey hand held crap.

It simply was not -show- well and NO you don't need a huge budget to HOLD A CAMERA CORRECTLY.

Digging to the rhythm and the echo of a solitary siren.


easily better then 4 which was pure bore as for the story it was no more confusing then the others



TV animation, that's Hartman's schtick. 

Agreed, a confusing story doesn't really matter in the Phantasm universe.
I think it was a big mistake not releasing the Blurays and the boxset simultaneously with the digital and VOD.
As the reviews go out and word gets around, the market for those will shrink.
There aren't enough Phans to prop up those sales, not for this.

edit to add: just found this


I don't know anything about Hartman but the cartoonish CGI really took me out of it. Couldn't afford a few decent metal spheres and some fishing line?

Seemed amateurish and slapped together. Like a horrible straight to amazon prime horror movie.


There was no excuse in my mind for the bad, terrible camera angles and choices.
When 1-3 have a much better look from 20-30 years ago... that says a lot about where the franchise was heading. Part 4 looked far too cheap in my opinion. From my recollection even 3 looked way better than this... like WAY better.


the cartoon cgi is part of the fun this entry is meant to be a lovable b movie thats why i find it interesting some fans are so mad over the effects thats part of the charm of the film its a b movie phantasm film i guess some fans expected some hardcore horror style movie with descent effects an a big finish that explains everything instead we got a b movie thats fun explains some an gives 3 different franchise ending ideas either the entire franchise is fake an its a dream of reggies from dementia or he dies an the afterlife is the phantasm world were hes with his friends fighting evil or its all real an simply another tall man trick an he reunites with his friends an they together continue there never ending fight against the tall man


I absolutely loved it. I suppose the world would be boring if we all agreed on things 

It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live
