MovieChat Forums > Phantasm: Ravager (2016) Discussion > If they announced another film?

If they announced another film?

How would everyone feel about Ravager if they announced that this was to prepare us for the final film that really will end the series. I personally really liked this film but I would love to see one more film with an ending.


im out. there's no doubt they could do more especially as there was no real resolution to the overarching conflict in Ravager however with the death of Angus i consider it absolutely impossible to make another Phantasm flick without it being a reboot of some time. i'm a fan of the creators and actors and will happily watch whatever they make going forward but i wont expect nor want another Phantasm flick.


There's no Tall Man without Angus, and without the Tall Man the conflict has no weight and no center. I don't see Coscarelli doing another. For me, he's every bit as indispensable as Angus. If he does...then yeah, I'll be there.


It's over.


Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me 5 or 6 times, and I lose interest.

After 5 movies, we all have more questions than answers about what the hell we've been watching for 35+ years. Ravager was a perfect opportunity to wrap it up and define a few lingering questions...and we got nuttin'
