MovieChat Forums > Phantasm: Ravager (2016) Discussion > I never say this! The most horrible fin...

I never say this! The most horrible final story ever! EVER!!!!

I won't even put in a spoiler. Just don't waste you money. Download it online if you have to.

This should go straight to DVD, that's how horrible it is.

It wasn't scary. It wasn't even a story. It was like some College students project. Some millennial, who probably only seen trailers of the previous movies and thought, "Oh gee, I think I would like to make a final storyline out of this."


You're pretty far off base. This was overseen(produced and co-written) by the original creator of the franchise, Don Coscarelli, and they probably had less than a million dollar budget to work with. And yeah, other than some select theater showings, this is straight to DVD.


It is basically straight to DVD. It held two theatrical premieres which isn't much by any stretch of the imagination. It will likely be in theaters for the same amount of time Phantasm 3 and 4 were.

Don't tell people to pirate the film on the internet. What kind of fan are you? It was still a labor of love from the original creator, actors and this was the first feature for David Hartman who is a long time fan of series. Have some respect. They could only do so much with what they had. Just because you didn't like it, doesn't mean they don't deserve some reward for their hard work...Whether you acknowledge it or not.


I guess I don't understand your logic. Why are you so against me telling people to not pay for it, but if they want to see it, just pirate as opposed to me saying don't go see it?

Either way the production crew aren't getting paid for it (ie pirating vs not seeing it).


Use your brain. One of them is illegal while the other is not. You don't need me to explain why pirating is bad. They worked on this film for six years. This isn't star wars that is definitely going to recoup its budget. This was completed by not paying much to anyone involved. The only profit they will ever see is from theater sales, rentals, and blu rays. If this were the 90's and pirating wasn't available, everyone would have to pay to see it and that's the way it should be.


If this were the 90's and pirating wasn't available, everyone would have to pay to see it and that's the way it should be.

Piracy was alive and well in the 90s and it always will be so ALL (including Ravenger's crew) filmakers KNOW going in that piracy will be an issue and yet somehow great movies still break the box office and sh!tty movies lose money.


You're an idiot. Go condone your illegal acts elsewhere, cheap-ass dweeb.


"Phantasm: Ravager" is nowhere near as unsatisfying as the finale of "Penny Dreadful" was. Not even close.
