MovieChat Forums > Phantasm: Ravager (2016) Discussion > Disclaimer - Low Budget, Not ILM Quality...

Disclaimer - Low Budget, Not ILM Quality CGI, Non-Linear Storytelling

With that said, if you can accept these things, you will most likely enjoy the film.

Most of the negative reviews on this board and online reference these three things as the biggest qualms with the movie.

First, this was produced by the cast and creators.There was no studio involvement. There is no big investor throwing millions of dollars at this franchise potentially risk free. This was funded by them with there hard earned money for a SMALL FANBASE. Let's be honest, Phantasm is relatively unknown to average movie-goers, so they are investing $200-300,000 on something that has a lot of potential to flop, especially in this day and age.

They are relying on the core fanbase who have been with them for almost 40 years. However, I did just watch 5 with my sister and her roommate and they both really liked it. They've never seen a previous Phantasm.

We didn't have to get a part 5. We all owe David Hartman a big thanks for getting Don to give us one more ride with these characters. If you hate it, ignore it. Use oblivion as the conclusion. If you want to see three Phantasm scripts mashed into one epic, exiting, and emotional film with all the original characters and a lot of Phan service, you will love this film!

If you hate the film for the reasons I listed above, please don't flood the board with another thread. Just post here. We get it.


I would've been very satisfied with it if the direction was more consistent with the rest of the series, if they used less CGI....somehow the alternate dimension seemed way cooler in 1979 than in 2016....and if they stuck to the original theme music and beginning and end credits ....the souped up music and credits did nothing for me and took away from the mood....I always loved the way each Phantasm film ended ....this one ends on a very different tone ....the last 20 min are a letdown except for the stuff in the hospital...that was effective


A lot of people seem disappointed with the movie, but it's not like 2-4 were that great either. I think they are either new to the franchise or have forgotten what the franchise is. And people are saying the special effects aren't as good as a Syfy channel movie need to realize that this has an even lower budget and doesn't have the same backing as a channel that releases hundreds maybe thousands of hours of shows and movies every year.

The story has never been linear, never made much sense, and always ended on a cliffhanger. If you are a real phan would you really want it any other way? The 4th movie tried to make some sense of it all and it was by and large the least loved of the series.

This is still so much more fun and creative than the average horror or science fiction movie. If you are a true phan this is your chance to say goodbye to Angus, Reggie, Mike and Jody. These are actors/characters that have been a part of me since I was a kid, since as far back as I can remember.

Thanks to all involved for one last hurrah and all the great times before this. I wouldn't want it any other way.


A lot of people seem disappointed with the movie, but it's not like 2-4 were that great either.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! You criticized the series!!!!!!! You're not a real phan!!!!!!!!

(This was sarcasm directed at the butthurt outrage that "true" phans have when it comes to other phans who DARE criticize anything)

The 4th movie tried to make some sense of it all and it was by and large the least loved of the series.

Make that the second least liked, Ravenger now holds that title.

The story has never been linear, never made much sense, and always ended on a cliffhanger. If you are a real phan would you really want it any other way?

Uh yeah for a FINALE, you bet your ass I want answers and conclusions.


So.. Ravager is being judged unfairly. Its the worst because it didnt answer question.. blah, blah, blah.. Oblivion didn't answer any questions either and quite frankly its a little boring. It was Oblivions responsibility to answer all the questions. Ravager was used differently. Ravager was a highlight reel of everything the fans enjoyed about the franchise. They tried to do more for this finale with less money than they had for oblivion and people aren't satisfied. It's never enough.


So.. Ravager is being judged unfairly. Its the worst because it didnt answer question.. blah, blah, blah.. Oblivion didn't answer any questions either

Ravager was the finale, not just another sequel.


Oblivion was supposed to be the finale but the fans clamored for more. They can't have two finales. This is Phantasm - Delusions of the disordered mind. You should have never expected closure, silly.


4 being the least liked isn't true. Judging by polls on Phantasm pages I frequent that would be part 3 (and now 5). Part 4 was a lot of people's favorite sequel including Angus Scrimms


The movie was pretty terrible even taking those things into account.


Why? Because you say so? Great review, btw.

Let's hear it! Try not to mention the three things I listed above. And if you're really going to nit-pick about the film, I've got to believe you were never a big fan to begin with.

Every person I've watched this film with has liked it. Of course, I do give them the disclaimer... The budget is low, it won't be the best CGI ever, and the story is non-linear, but as a whole, it's something special.

The scenes with old Reg in the old folks home are quite emotional. I think you should watch it again and put your unrealistic expectations aside.

This is a no-budget film that, all things considered, looks like it has a bigger budget than Oblivion which it didn't. They tried to give us an action packed, emotional ride, full of twist (cause that's the phantasm way)! It always has been.

I don't want a Phantasm film where everything is tied up in a neat bow. That is not PHANTASM.
