Disappointed (crying)

I am sad! I have been following this series since 1979. I waited 18 years for the final story and it was terrible! It was hard to follow, and had a lot of unnecessary storyline. I can't believe they ended it like this! The end of an era, and it ended with me heartbroken! Rest in peace Angus!


Agreed. This movie was absolute garbage and makes Phantasm 4 look like Phantasm 1.




I wouldn't go as far as saying it makes 4 look good.... because I thought 4 made 3 look much better.

A lot of plot was revolved around bringing Mike back into the series since he was absent in 2... so 3 was like, YES... we got the REAL Mike back.... let's build upon that. But then comes 4 after a long time looking cheap and uninspired after that epic ending in part 3. Part 4 was slow as sh!t... and the only cool parts, at least to me was the fact that Mike had a gold ball in his skull... but none of that matters because it's all a delusion thanks to part 5.

I think the best of them would be 1 and 2. Even though Le Gross was playing Mike... that movie had the best balls... and the best budget making it the more epic movie out of them all. Also the vamped score by Fred Myrow...

I mean, it's really sad that if back then 3 million was considered a lot. They deserved the same budget as Part 2 on every film... at LEAST....

Part 3 had around 2.5m it says but it didn't look nearly as good as part 2 overall. A few good scenes... but this is what is frustrating.

Part 4 and 5 were so limited in budget I wish 3 had been the end.... in many ways... I know it's a if I knew what I knew then situation... but now that I know how they planned to end it, yes... please end it at part 3. Even 4 wasn't worthy in my opinion.



I agree with you that the first 2 movies were the best, but I actually really liked the slower pacing of Oblivion. It created a really potent mood, as I recall, and made the action scenes with Reggie seem more alarming and dramatic.

I'd take the slow, atmospheric tone of Oblivion over the frantic, sloppy mess of Ravager any day. By the end of Ravager I just felt sort of numb to what was happening on screen. Oblivion at least had nice tension and built up gradually to the finale.
