MovieChat Forums > Phantasm: Ravager (2016) Discussion > People who hate it are NOT true Phantasm...

People who hate it are NOT true Phantasm fans.

Even if the movie is low budget and stuff, they pulled it off imo. Angus Scrimm still creeped me out, Reggie was excellent, Mike is back (the Mike from Phantasm 1)

What are they expecting??? I don't get it. Maybe this is only for Phantasm fans?

Some special effects are bad but still ok. Some bad CGI.

This is about as good as Phantasm 4, except it has worse special effects..


Predator_Vinnie what the hell are you doing here? Haven't seen you since the Terminator Genisys boards. Didn't know you were a Phantasm Fan. I enjoyed it too! See, we CAN agree on something!? Haha.


I think we expected some answers and a proper fking ending since this was the last ride. But nope! Good luck continuing this crap on a negative budget with all the actors pushing 60, and angus scrimm dead.


why would you expect everything to be explained do some people not understand what this franchise is it isnt meant to explain everything thats not what this is its a goodby movie to the cast but not a complet story wrap up this movie is done in typical phantasm style were you are meant to draw your own idea did reggie just have dementia an its all fake yes did reggie have dementia an die an the afterlife is him with his friends fighting evil yes was it all a trick by the tall man then he reunites with his friends an they live happy fighting evil yes everyone of those are the right endings if you are someone who wants everything explained an answers to all this isnt the right franchise this is a seriers were each movie explains a bit more an never explains it all thats the point an this one is made to were you can pick any ending you want


Do you not understand what punctuation is? Unreadable.


So you're suggesting people aren't a true fans if they don't like this movie? Now that's just preposterous.


I said HATE hate and don't like is very different...hate is someone who gives this lower than a 3 out of 10. Didn't like means like a 5 it's average.

I'd say most Phantasm fans will give this a 5 or higher for sure. For someone who is not a Phantasm fan it could be lower no idea.

As a Phantasm fan, i think they delivered the goods, most horror movies these days are crap. They're never gonna be able to make another one as good as the first 2 Phantasm movies, they will never be topped.

You have to be crazy to expect something great as back in the days. The last one is from 1998, it's been 18 year and Don is not directing Phantasm 5. I didn't expect more frankly, i expected less than what we got.

The biggest problems with this film are the special effects, budget is too small other than that it's a decent sequel and worth watching for fans of the franchise.


To be fair, you surely did not expect to post such an inflammatory post and not be shot down.

Since this is the Phantasm finale, I would expect a whole range of emotions given how the saga has ended. I would not judge anyone by how they react. Some die hard phans will be mighty pissed by this.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


To fair, you surely did not expect to post such an inflammatory post and not be shot down.

Since this is the Phantasm finale, I would expect a whole range of emotions given how the saga has ended. I would not judge anyone by how they react. Some die hard phans will be mighty pissed by this.

The IMDB rating is already too low imo...


Some die hard phans will be mighty pissed by this.

I know I was. There's a difference between being a fan of something and a mark for it.


I gave it 6/10.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


I did too. It was probably closer to a 5/10 but I gave it the benefit of the doubt. It is phantasm after all.


Agreed. It was not a bad movie. However, for the final episode of the Phantasm series I expected more in the form of resolution to the story.

I have followed this franchise since first seeing Phantasm on the big screen back in 1979. After 37 years I wanted a better conclusion to this franchise.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!



I'd have to give this an even 5.0. The first two movies are my favorite, both rated at 10.


I love the Phantasm series, but I also love good movies. Saying some *beep* like "you aren't a TRUE Phantasm fan if you don't like this movie" is just a low blow. That's like me saying "you aren't a TRUE fan of popcicles if you don't like this" and then I hand you a frozen turd on a stick.

I like aspects of Ravager. I like how they were actually able to make another one after all of these years. I like how they were able to bring back the original cast. However, I think the execution was lacking.


It's time to........REBOOT


I've been a die hard Phan since seeing it as an 11 year old in 1979, and really resent it when horror fans of any franchise or character throw "you're not true fans" tantrums when fans give honest criticism.

You are taking Phans into Romerofanboy/Obsessive Virgin Trekkie Nerd territory with this tantrum - just saying.

And LoPanKnows is correct, this should have been rebooted after Oblivion.

While the story is pretty good, the movie looked like hell. I've seen no budget, filmed on an Iphone movies that looked better than this. It wasn't just the effects, the whole thing looked half-assed.


And LoPanKnows is correct, this should have been rebooted after Oblivion.

NO!!! I don't want someone to replace Reggie, *beep* remakes and garbage like that!!


I have not seen Ravager but your statement is crazy. People are not real phans if they don't like Ravager. Actually, that sounds more like members of a cult who wont drink the Kool Aid and aren't allowed to have independent thought.

Real Phans should actually expect more out of Ravager than the general audience knowing it is going to be the last one barring a reboot of the series.

I really liked Breaking Bad but when there was a *beep* episode or a dumb plot moment, I certainly pointed it out and didn't like any bad plot points. You are saying fans of should be like a mushroom and stay in the dark while letting the studio feed us sh*t and like it?


It looks cheap, the cgi is unforgivable, the writer/director is a live action noob and has no idea how to direct actors or choose the right take, the dialog is unbearable at times, the structure of the film has no flow, the story is incoherent. I can see why they waited so long to actually show this to people. Had to release it with Remastered to soften the blow.



What were we expecting? Oh, I don't know, how about what we were promised? They promised us questions would get answered and they promised us closure, stating that this was the finale.

We got ONE question answered and VERY poorly, no closure and the story was all over the place.

There were things I liked, but sadly the bad out weighed them.


Agree 100%. This answered the Tall Man's origins but that is it. This was a mess and the cgi and practical effects were bad. You see better cgi on low budget made for TV shows and movies.

This does not give any closure and it is quite obvious why DC did not direct it. It would have been better since the director had no idea how to create a coherent script. The movie run time was about 85 minutes with the scenes after the closing credits. I have no idea why they did not put the ending scenes before the credit. They could have put it before the final scene with Reggie.

Unfortunately, I had a feeling this would be bad with all the delays and the fact Dan was not directing it. I had hoped it would be better than what I had expected but sadly it was worse.



The CGI wasn't a problem for me, since I understood the budget, but yeah, storywise, they could have done a LOT better.

They answered the Tall Man's origins? I either missed it or they did it VERY poorly. The only question I saw answered and was also done poorly was, what happened to Mike's body. They freakin' turned him into the Black Knight from Monty Python!


Yeah, they didn't so much answer any questions about Tall Man's origin as they slightly expanded on a facet of it that we already knew about, i.e. the fact that he would just reappear from the portal every time they killed him. It didn't take a genius to figure out that there were multiple Tall Men after they plainly showed a new one reappearing from a portal after one died in both 3 and 4. All Ravager did by plainly showing that there were thousands of him in storage, was spoonfeed us an answer we already knew. So really, there were no answers at all.


All my questions for all the movies:

Why did the Tall Man target Mike?

Did the Tall Man put the golden sphere in Mike's head, or was it always there?

What is the purpose of the golden spheres?

What is the purpose of the dwarfs?

What is the purpose of the zombies?

Why does the Tall Man not dwarf all the dead bodies, and keeps some at normal size?

Is the Tall Man an alien? If so, are there other aliens like him, or is there just one of him, but in every time dimension?

If the Tall Man is not an alien, is Jebidiah evil? And what are or is the Tall Man?

Whatever became of Jebidiah?

Can a sphere be killed if it's hologram head is drilled into?

Just how much did the fortune teller know?

Does the fortune teller and her granddaughter work for the Tall Man? Are they zombies?

Were the fortune teller and her granddaughter working against the Tall Man?

Whatever happened to the fortune teller and her granddaughter?

Whatever happened to Mike's golden sphere?

Why did the Tall Man sound afraid when Reggie demanded Mike and Jodi back?

Was the time dimensinal jumping the Tall Man trying to stop Reggie?

How are Jodi and Mike back alive, and out of the Tall Man's control?

Why does Mike fully trust Jodi when he sees him?

Why didn't Mike's body die after the golden sphere was removed?

If the series was really all the imagination of Reggie, then why does it continue after he dies in the hospital?

After the Tall Man was tired of him,why did he kill Reggie?

How does Mike still have a connection with the Tall Man even after the sphere was removed?

What does Mike having a connection to the Tall Man still, mean?

How did that little person survive being blown up, and the only real damage is a missing hand?

The Tall Man can appear again right after he was killed, what does that mean, since in Ravager in all of his worlds, there is only one of him?

Is the Tall Man a hologram for the golden spheres since he has one in his head? Or are the golden spheres put into Tall Man bodies?

If the golden spheres are put into Tall Man bodies, where does he keep them?

Why is that funeral home so important to the Tall Man?

What are the functions of the giant spheres? Are they ships, or just big spheres with brains that are ment for destruction? Do the golden spheres have anything to do with them?

The Tall Man calls Mike an experiment. What did he mean?

What about the girl from movie 2? Did SHE have a golden sphere in her head, since the Tall Man was after her?

If she was valuable like Mike, or even if she wasn't, why didn't he remove the sphere (if she had one) after she died, or at least taken her body instead of having the Lurkers feast on it?

Why does the Tall Man have or need brains in the spheres when we saw Mike being able to control one without a brain?

Why do the spheres have holographic projectors, and why are they like flesh and blood?

Not a single one answered. That is what makes me mad the most.


Some of those actually have answers--

"Why did the Tall Man target Mike?"

The Tall Man discovers Mike can "play a good game" and wishes for him to become his successor so the Tall Man can go on to other worlds and conquer those.

"What is the purpose of the golden spheres?"

To differentiate that they are more powerful than silver spheres.

"What is the purpose of the dwarfs?"

They do slave labor for the Tall Man and on his home world.

"What is the purpose of the zombies?"

They do the Tall Man's bidding.

"Is the Tall Man an alien?"

Sort of. He comes from another planet or another dimension.

"If the Tall Man is not an alien, is Jebidiah evil?

No. Jebediah Morningside went through the spacegate he'd built and never came back. All he wanted was knowledge. That is not evil.

"Whatever became of Jebidiah?"

"Jebediah Morningside never does come back."

"Can a sphere be killed if it's hologram head is drilled into?"

Hologram head? What are you talking about?

"Does the fortune teller and her granddaughter work for the Tall Man? Are they zombies?

Were the fortune teller and her granddaughter working against the Tall Man?"

No. The granddaughter is unnerved by what Mike tells her and goes to Morningside Funeral Home to look into it. The Tall Man kills her for interloping.

"Whatever happened to Mike's golden sphere?"

When it became apparent Mike was not going to acquiesce to the Tall Man and was in fact using his own powers against him, the Tall Man took it out and went home.

"Why did the Tall Man sound afraid when Reggie demanded Mike and Jodi back?"

He didn't sound afraid. He was exasperated. He doesn't grasp why they're important to Reggie. Or he grasps it, but finds it irrelevant.

"Why does Mike fully trust Jodi when he sees him?"

Mike apparently has had contact with the Jody in the Cuda before. He doesn't react the way Reggie does, so it's obvious, they've met again before then.

"How does Mike still have a connection with the Tall Man even after the sphere was removed?"

Unknown. Mike wonders this exact thing in "Ravager."

"The Tall Man can appear again right after he was killed, what does that mean, since in Ravager in all of his worlds, there is only one of him?"

Huh? As shown in the opening of "Phantasm III" when one Tall Man is killed, his next copy takes its place, giving the illusion of invincibility.

"Is the Tall Man a hologram for the golden spheres since he has one in his head? Or are the golden spheres put into Tall Man bodies?"

The Tall Man is NOT a hologram.

"If the golden spheres are put into Tall Man bodies, where does he keep them?"

In his head. This is shown when he freezes to death in "Phantasm III."

"What are the functions of the giant spheres?"

Tools of destruction for the Tall Man's conquest of the planet.

"What about the girl from movie 2? Did SHE have a golden sphere in her head, since the Tall Man was after her?"

Probably. The dwarves bring the Tall Man her head and he hauls it off.

"why didn't he remove the sphere (if she had one) after she died?"

How do you know he didn't?

"Why does the Tall Man have or need brains in the spheres when we saw Mike being able to control one without a brain?"

Mike's was a counterfeit sphere. Just a piece of equipment he could mentally manipulate. When the Tall Man sees it, he disdainfully calls it "a toy."


The Tall Man wants Mike as his succesor? Then why try to kill him or remove the sphere? And in that case, why was Mike never shown to be evil in movie 5?

The purpose you gave the golden spheres is bull. There is an actual reasoning and it was never said.

If the Tall Man has the dwarfs or zombies, why does he need the other?

The reasoning behind the Tall Man is bull. It is never said what he is. Only where he came from. And your explination for Jebidiah is also bull since movie 5 and the other movies never said or showed what became of him. "He never returned" being the only reason is bull and VERY poor.

I meant exactly what I said about hologram head. In Phantasm Oblivion, Jodi is a sphere, then whenever on cue, he has a body. Hologram is the best definition. Mike then kills his "hologram". So my question is plain and obvious.

If the granddaughter dies, what became of the grandmother?

No duh. I OBVIOUSLY was asking about AFTER Oblivion and AFTER the Tall Man went home.

Tired huh. Okay, I can buy that, but then why bother getting angry seconds or one minute later?

The movie never showed Mike seeing Jodi after Oblivion. That is a BIG plot point since Jodi is a sphere and tried to help the Tall Man and Mike kill him. And with that, Jodi would die if he goes North since the cold wounds or kills things from the Red Planet.

If the connection is unknown, then it was never answered.

I thought my question was obvious. In every paraell world, there is one Tall Man. The Tall Man knows this since it is said in Ravager. In the Red World and Earth, one Tall Man is shown. Is he on a convayer belt? Is he alien, robot or clone?

Well, the Tall Man is something not explained.

I meant, where does he keep them in the Red Planet.

Decent answer for the use of the giant spheres.

I'll take that answer for the girl from movie 2.

Still no answer for the spheres and brains.


If you don't like the answers, you shouldn't ask the questions.


If you don't like my questions, stop giving crappy answers just like this movie.


I do not comprehend what you're trying to tell me.

Also, come up with something original to say. Don't just parrot what I told you. It makes you look petty. That doesn't make any sense anyway as I said nothing good or bad about your questions.

I never said anything about this movie. I only answered your questions based on the evidence given by the movies and Coscarelli and company. It's not my fault you don't like the answers.


If you do not comprehend me, that is not my problem.

The major flaws with this movie are:

Claiming this movie will answer many questions, when it actually didn't.

Claim that it is a finale, and it just ended on a cliffhanger.

The very poor writing.

Not one single person, cast or crew, called out the poor writing and suggested a script doctor.

This movie has been worked on since 2008. This movie has absolutely no excuse for the writing and the lies.

If you can't comprehend that, then that is on you.


The major flaws with this movie are:

Claiming this movie will answer many questions, when it actually didn't.

When did they claim it would answer every major question?

said Hartman. “This film is a real turning point in the series. There’s real closure for the core characters that I hope fans will respond to.”

I don't see anything there about answering questions, just offering closure.

He's probably referring to the death of Dementia Reg. We have the option of looking at the series as a dream of Dementia Reg or we can look at Dementia Reg as part of an alternate dimension and core characters survive and continue their assault against The Tall Man forever. Isn't that essentially the same as ending as Oblivion?

Instead of Mike dying and Reggie going through the space gate to pursue The Tall Man, we have Reggie Dying and the entire gang going on to pursue The Tall Man. They didn't ruin the franchise with this one entry, they just gave us a more exciting conclusion than Oblivion.

The very poor writing.

Not one single person, cast or crew, called out the poor writing and suggested a script doctor.

This is written by Coscarelli, first and foremost, with ideas contributed by David Hartman and co. Have you always hated Coscarelli's writing? I'm not sure if he's ever had a "writing doctor," and someone people might be apprehensive to suggest one to the legend.

Claim that it is a finale, and it just ended on a cliffhanger.

Can't a finale end on a cliff-hanger? One quick example off the top of my head is Saw 3D when they left Hoffman in the bathroom. What about Phantasm IV when they sent Reggie through the Space Gate and we never see him again? That was the worst cliff-hanger of all. I'm not one of those people who wants to accept that the last four films have been the imagination of Mike. That renders the franchise meaningless, in my opinion.

Why are their quotes being so misconstrued?

